Paleo-perspectives on potential future changes in the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere due to climate change and anthropogenic emissions

B Alexander, LJ Mickley - Current Pollution Reports, 2015 - Springer
The oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere, defined as the global mean tropospheric
abundance of the hydroxyl radical (OH·), strongly influences air pollution by controlling the …

Non-indigenous seaweeds in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and Macaronesia: a critical synthesis of diversity, spatial and temporal patterns

LM van der Loos, Q Bafort, S Bosch… - European Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Effective monitoring of non-indigenous seaweeds and combatting their effects relies on a
solid confirmation of the non-indigenous status of the respective species. We critically …

Azorean bryophytes: a preliminary review of rarity patterns

R Gabriel, N Homem, AB Couto… - Açoreana: Revista de …, 2011 -
Bryophytes are not exempt of rarity and threat, although their small size, mute colours and
difficult field identification may mask their true conservation status. Actually, it is known that a …

Epuraea imperialis (Reitter, 1877). New invasive species of Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) in Europe, with a checklist of sap beetles introduced to Europe and …

J Jelínek, P Audisio, J Hajek, C Baviera… - … , and Natural Sciences, 2016 -
Australian species Epuraea imperialis (Reitter, 1877), previously introduced to New
Zealand, is recorded as a new invasive species from the Canary Islands, Continental Spain …

Non-indigenous and invasive freshwater species on the Atlantic Islands of the Azores Archipelago

AC Costa, A Balibrea, PM Raposeiro… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2021 -
Freshwater systems on remote oceanic islands are particularly vulnerable to biological
invasions. The case of freshwater ecosystems in the Azores Archipelago is especially …

Molecular phylogeny of sea-skaters (Halobates Eschscholtz, 1822), relationship between Halobatini and Metrocorini, and a catalogue of the subfamily Halobatinae …

C Román-Palacios, J Damgaard, L Cheng… - Insect Systematics & …, 2020 -
We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among seven of the ten Halobatinae genera
(Heteroptera: Gerridae) based on COI+ II, 16S rRNA, and 28S rRNA genes. Our analyses …

Land cover along hiking trails in a nature tourism destination: the Azores as a case study

DC Pavão, J Porteiro, MA Ventura… - Environment …, 2021 - Springer
Tourists have become increasingly interested in certain aspects of their destination,
including landscape and biodiversity elements, thereby promoting the development of …

Birds from the Azores: An updated list with some comments on species distribution

LMD Barcelos, PR Rodrigues, J Bried… - Biodiversity Data …, 2015 -
Background An updated checklist of the Birds of the Azores is presented based on
information compiled from Rodrigues et al.(2010) and from the websites, Azores Bird …

Structure and applications of BRYOTRAIT-AZO, a trait database for Azorean bryophytes

DSG Henriques, C Ah-Peng, R Gabriel - Cryptogamie, Bryologie, 2017 - BioOne
Trait databases are invaluable sources of information in ecological studies exploring the
links between species traits and their surrounding environment. While digital vascular plant …

Contribution of macroinvertebrate shredders and aquatic hyphomycetes to litter decomposition in remote insular streams

A Balibrea, V Ferreira, C Balibrea, V Gonçalves… - Hydrobiologia, 2020 - Springer
Shredders play a crucial role in litter decomposition in streams. However, in oceanic islands,
many streams have low shredder density and richness, and microbes seem to be the main …