Electrical resistivity and induced polarization methods for environmental investigations: an overview

E Martinho - Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2023 - Springer
Contamination of soils and groundwater is one of the most serious environmental problems.
The sources of contamination are several and include, among others (i) landfills and …

[PDF][PDF] 2D and 3D Modeling of Resistivity and Chargeability to Identify the Type of Saturated Groundwater for Complex Sedimentary Facies

A Masria, TO Alshammari, M Ghareeb, AK Seif… - …, 2024 - researchgate.net
Determining the type and properties of saturated groundwater for complex sedimentary
facies, as well as the various properties of these sedimentary facies, requires extensive …

Petrophysical analysis of well logs and core samples for reservoir evaluation: a case study of southern Issaran Field, Gulf of Suez province, Egypt

EAAE Aziz, MM Gomaa - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022 - Springer
Understanding basic petrophysical properties may enhance the recovery of residual oil
saturation and help in reservoir management. Reservoir oil saturation is the fraction of the …

Synthetic mixture of sand and shale: how conductor (shale) and saturation influence electrical characteristics

MM Gomaa, AM Elshenawy, AA Basheer… - Applied Water …, 2023 - Springer
In the petroleum sector, spectral-induced polarization (SIP) can detect low-frequency
electrical characteristics in rocks without causing any damage. Measurements from 1 mHz to …

Effect of grain shape elongation in direction and perpendicular to current stream (conductive or insulator) on the electrical characteristics of mixtures

MM Gomaa - Scientific Reports, 2025 - nature.com
The shape elongation of grains, in mixtures, can have an effect on the electrical
characteristics. Grain size and structural changes can impact the dielectric, and electrical …

Global optimization very fast simulated annealing inversion for the interpretation of groundwater potential

S Bahri, SV Aponno, Z Zulfiah - JGE (Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi), 2022 - jge.eng.unila.ac.id
This study examines the inversion modelling of onedimensional Schlumberger configuration
resistivity data using the Very Fast Simulated Annealing (VFSA). Detailed identification and …

[HTML][HTML] Dynamics of Saltwater Intrusion in a Heterogeneous Coastal Environment: Experimental, DC Resistivity, and Numerical Modeling Approaches

P Tiwari, R Rupesh, SP Sharma, J Ciazela - Water, 2024 - mdpi.com
Saltwater intrusion (SWI) is a critical concern affecting coastal groundwater sources due to
natural and anthropogenic activities. The health of coastal aquifers is deteriorated by …

[HTML][HTML] Sustainable desalination at coastal zones: Study on abstraction rate, salinity and depth at coastal aquifers, case study: Coastal Nile Delta aquifer, Egypt

M Elkhedr, A Abdelhalim - Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2025 - Elsevier
This paper addresses the sustainable abstraction rate and depth, and the corresponding
salinity, in a coastal aquifer as a result of abstraction from beach wells, which is applied on …

Effect of salinity-clay variation on the transient magnetic field in the Quaternary aquifer, theoretically and practically

AA Mustafa, ASAA El-Ata, AK Kamal, AMS Lala… - Groundwater for …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study focuses on understanding the physical foundations of the transient
electromagnetic method, such as the transition from a simple basic principle to a more …

Simulation of the effect of salinity-clay variation on the electrical potential of the quaternary aquifer using multiphysics modeling

AI Ammar, ASA Abu El-Ata, AA Mustafa… - Modeling Earth Systems …, 2023 - Springer
Salinity and clay content are effective factors in influencing the hydro-geoelectric properties
of porous rocks, such as electrical conductivity. The COMSOL Multiphysics model was used …