The political consequences of work: an integrative review
Work experiences and political participation outside work are intrinsically linked.
Management scholars have acknowledged the role that organizations play in sha** …
Management scholars have acknowledged the role that organizations play in sha** …
Community organizations and sense of community: Further development in theory and measurement
Abstract The Community Organization Sense of Community Scale (COSOC) is a frequently
used or cited measure of the construct in community psychology and other disciplines …
used or cited measure of the construct in community psychology and other disciplines …
Hel** the soul: The relationship between connectivity and well‐being within a church community
P Obst, N Tham - Journal of Community Psychology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Although previous research attests to the importance of psychological sense of community
(PSOC) to individuals' well‐being, little research has examined this relationship for the four …
(PSOC) to individuals' well‐being, little research has examined this relationship for the four …
El uso de Internet y las actitudes políticas: Datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de España
En este artículo sostenemos que la extensión del uso de las nuevas tecnologías puede
contribuir a un cambio en las actitudes políticas en las democracias industrializadas …
contribuir a un cambio en las actitudes políticas en las democracias industrializadas …
공동주택단지의 물리적 환경 구성요소와 거주자의 공동체의식에 관한 연구: 광주광역시 공동주택단지를 중심으로: 광주광역시 공동주택단지를 중심으로
이라영, 신남수 - 대한건축학회 논문집-계획계, 2009 -
The purpose of this study is to explore whether the physical structure of apartment complex
influences residents' Sense of Community. The survey conducted in Gwangju metropolitan …
influences residents' Sense of Community. The survey conducted in Gwangju metropolitan …
[BOOK][B] How organizations promote a sense of community and empowerment leading towards community participation: A view of the middle
R Fernando - 2012 -
Abstract Community Development Corporations (CDC) are organizations which develop
affordable housing, jobs and small businesses in communities. The purpose of this study …
affordable housing, jobs and small businesses in communities. The purpose of this study …
[PDF][PDF] Sentido de comunidad en un grupo de habitantes del barrio aguas claras Bogotá
WK Ingosi, N Ayala Rodríguez - 2024 -
A Dios sobre todas las cosas, por todas las bendiciones que recibo cada día. A mis padres
(Philip y Alice), y hermanos por su incondicional apoyo. Al Instituto de la Consolata por esta …
(Philip y Alice), y hermanos por su incondicional apoyo. Al Instituto de la Consolata por esta …
[PDF][PDF] Sentido de comunidad, participación comunitaria y valores en líderes/as comunitarios/as en contextos de vulnerabilidad social
MAN Seminario Obando - 2014 -
El presente estudio plantea como objetivo analizar las relaciones entre sentido de
comunidad, participación comunitaria y valores en un conjunto de líderes/as comunitarios …
comunidad, participación comunitaria y valores en un conjunto de líderes/as comunitarios …
فعالية الإرشاد العقلاني الانفعالي السلوکي لتحسين الوعي السياسي وأثره في الانتماء الوطني لدى الشباب الجامعي
فاطمة برکات - المجلة المصرية لعلم النفس الإکلينيکي والإرشادي, 2018 -
هدفت الدراسة إلى الکشف عن فاعلية الإرشاد العقلاني الانفعالي السلوکي لتحسين الوعي
السياسي وأثره في الانتماء الوطني لدى الشباب الجامعي. وتکونت عينة الدراسة من مجموعتين، قوام …
السياسي وأثره في الانتماء الوطني لدى الشباب الجامعي. وتکونت عينة الدراسة من مجموعتين، قوام …
[PDF][PDF] A study of perceived occupational stress, burnout and sense of community among New Zealand nurses
EM Ditzel - 2008 -
This research shows that sense of community reduces the effect of job stress on burnout
among a sample of 672 New Zealand nurses. Sense of community–a feeling that members …
among a sample of 672 New Zealand nurses. Sense of community–a feeling that members …