Near infrared imaging with nanoparticles
Near infrared imaging has presented itself as a powerful diagnostic technique with potential
to serve as a minimally invasive, nonionizing method for sensitive, deep tissue diagnostic …
to serve as a minimally invasive, nonionizing method for sensitive, deep tissue diagnostic …
Direct measurement of the constrained polymer region in polyamide/clay nanocomposites and the implications for gas diffusion
The recognition that polymer/clay nanocomposites impart improved barrier properties
related to gas transport has prompted much discussion and research into the mechanism of …
related to gas transport has prompted much discussion and research into the mechanism of …
TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofiber/kafirin protein thin film crosslinked by Maillard reaction
Mixtures of cellulose nanofiber and protein have gained attention as a material having
potential application such as bio-plastics and biopolymer based packaging film. Herein, an …
potential application such as bio-plastics and biopolymer based packaging film. Herein, an …
[ספר][B] Transport properties of polymeric membranes
Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes is an edited collection of papers that covers,
in depth, many of the recent technical research accomplishments in transport characteristics …
in depth, many of the recent technical research accomplishments in transport characteristics …
XLPE based Al 2 O 3–clay binary and ternary hybrid nanocomposites: self-assembly of nanoscale hybrid fillers, polymer chain confinement and transport …
Transport properties of hybrid nanoparticle based cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)–Al2O3–
clay binary and ternary nanocomposites have been investigated with special significance to …
clay binary and ternary nanocomposites have been investigated with special significance to …
Effect of polymer–clay interaction on solvent transport behavior of fluoroelastomer–clay nanocomposites and prediction of aspect ratio of nanoclay
Diffusion and sorption of methyl ethyl ketone and tetrahydrofuran through fluoroelastomer‐
clay nanocomposites were investigated in the temperature range of 30–60° C by swelling …
clay nanocomposites were investigated in the temperature range of 30–60° C by swelling …
Effect of solvent− polymer interaction in swelling dynamics of ultrathin polyacrylamide films: a neutron and x-ray reflectivity study
The swelling dynamics of the ultrathin polyacrylamide (PAM) spin-coated films in saturated
vapor of D2O and H2O were studied using neutron and X-ray reflectivity. A uniform …
vapor of D2O and H2O were studied using neutron and X-ray reflectivity. A uniform …
Probing the tightly bound layer in poly (vinyl alcohol) thin films using swelling measurements
A strongly adsorbed, tightly bound polymer layer can exist at the polymer/substrate interface
in polymer thin films and polymer nanocomposites. The characteristics of the tightly bound …
in polymer thin films and polymer nanocomposites. The characteristics of the tightly bound …
Power law in swelling of ultra-thin polymer films
Steady state and dynamic behaviour of swelling of spin coated polyacrylamide films have
been studied at room temperature in a precisely controlled environment of 12–99% relative …
been studied at room temperature in a precisely controlled environment of 12–99% relative …
3D monitoring of the microphase separations inside the intraocular lens
Glistenings often occur after implanting the intraocular lens (IOL) due to the formation of
numerous microvacuoles (MVs) and may lead to deterioration of vision quality. Previous …
numerous microvacuoles (MVs) and may lead to deterioration of vision quality. Previous …