[HTML][HTML] Latest research trends in fall detection and prevention using machine learning: A systematic review
Falls are unusual actions that cause a significant health risk among older people. The
growing percentage of people of old age requires urgent development of fall detection and …
growing percentage of people of old age requires urgent development of fall detection and …
A review of IoT systems to enable independence for the elderly and disabled individuals
Recent years have witnessed an increase in human life expectancy fueled by significant
improvements in infrastructure, healthcare, and economies across the globe. Longer life …
improvements in infrastructure, healthcare, and economies across the globe. Longer life …
Research of fall detection and fall prevention technologies: A systematic review
L Ren, Y Peng - IEEE access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Falls are abnormal activity events that occur infrequently; however, they are serious health
problems among elderly individuals. With the advancements of technologies, falls have …
problems among elderly individuals. With the advancements of technologies, falls have …
WSN-and IOT-based smart homes and their extension to smart buildings
Our research approach is to design and develop reliable, efficient, flexible, economical, real-
time and realistic wellness sensor networks for smart home systems. The heterogeneous …
time and realistic wellness sensor networks for smart home systems. The heterogeneous …
Internet of things applications: opportunities and threats
In the century of automation, which is digitized, and more and more technology is used,
automatic systems' replacement of old manual systems makes people's lives easier …
automatic systems' replacement of old manual systems makes people's lives easier …
Sensor technologies for fall detection systems: A review
The risk of falls in older adults restrict their social life and independent living. The assisted
living devices help older adults to live independently in their home, giving a psychological …
living devices help older adults to live independently in their home, giving a psychological …
IoT and digital twin enabled smart tracking for safety management
Modern warehousing systems for fresh and cold-kee** storage, have presented
characteristics of complex operation procedures, accelerated operating pace, and high …
characteristics of complex operation procedures, accelerated operating pace, and high …
[HTML][HTML] New advances and challenges of fall detection systems: A survey
Falling, as one of the main harm threats to the elderly, has drawn researchers' attentions and
has always been one of the most valuable research topics in the daily health-care for the …
has always been one of the most valuable research topics in the daily health-care for the …
Utilizing deep learning models in CSI-based human activity recognition
In recent years, channel state information (CSI) in WiFi 802.11 n has been increasingly used
to collect data pertaining to human activity. Such raw data are then used to enhance human …
to collect data pertaining to human activity. Such raw data are then used to enhance human …
Sensor-based fall detection systems: a review
Accidental fall is one of the most prevalent causes of loss of autonomy, deaths and injuries
among the elderly people. Fall detection and rescue systems with the advancement of …
among the elderly people. Fall detection and rescue systems with the advancement of …