Physical insights into non-fullerene organic photovoltaics
J Wang, Y **-Qian/publication/326818544_Optical_Gaps_of_Organic_Solar_Cells_as_a_Reference_for_Comparing_Voltage_Losses/links/5bcf1bf7a6fdcc204a01d5ab/Optical-Gaps-of-Organic-Solar-Cells-as-a-Reference-for-Comparing-Voltage-Losses.pdf" data-clk="hl=bg&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=7&d=801586035159220974&ei=G7PHZ5vULfqu6rQPscCUgAk" data-clk-atid="7kKUgkDOHwsJ" target="_blank">[PDF]
Design rules for minimizing voltage losses in high-efficiency organic solar cells
The open-circuit voltage of organic solar cells is usually lower than the values achieved in
inorganic or perovskite photovoltaic devices with comparable bandgaps. Energy losses …
inorganic or perovskite photovoltaic devices with comparable bandgaps. Energy losses …
Organic long persistent luminescence
Long persistent luminescence (LPL) materials—widely commercialized as 'glow-in-the-
dark'paints—store excitation energy in excited states that slowly release this energy as light …
dark'paints—store excitation energy in excited states that slowly release this energy as light …
Non‐radiative recombination energy losses in non‐fullerene organic solar cells
Impressive short‐circuit current density and fill factor have been achieved simultaneously in
single‐junction organic solar cells (OSCs) with the emergence of high‐performance non …
single‐junction organic solar cells (OSCs) with the emergence of high‐performance non …