[КНИГА][B] Organisationstheorien

A Kieser, M Ebers - 2019 - books.google.com
This new edition of the successful textbook Organization Theories discusses various
approaches to theory formation in organization research, offers a critical presentation of the …

Formal and informal hierarchy in different types of organization

T Diefenbach, JAA Sillince - Organization studies, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper addresses the paradox that despite all organizational change towards flatter and
postmodern organizations, hierarchical order is quite persistent. We develop a differentiated …

Wired to connect: Evolutionary psychology and social networks

BS Crosier, GD Webster… - Review of general …, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
Social networks dominate modern life. Social networks have always existed and have been
around in nonelectronic forms throughout the entirety of our species' history. It is only …

Digitalization trends and organizational structure: bureaucracy, ambidexterity or post-bureaucracy?

G Mustafa, H Solli-Sæther, V Bodolica, JI Håvold… - Eurasian Business …, 2022 - Springer
Nowadays, the vast majority of forward-looking organizations is activating under the
imperative of embracing digital transformation. This study aims to contribute to a more fine …

Changes in formal structure towards self-managing organization and their effects on the intra-organizational communication network

M Maurer, N Bach, S Oertel - Journal of Organization Design, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Changes in organizational structure affect the intra-organizational communication
network. However, despite an increasing relevance of less hierarchical and less …

From top to bottom: investigating the changing role of hierarchy in enterprise social networks

K Riemer, S Stieglitz, C Meske - Business & Information Systems …, 2015 - Springer
Social media, such as social networking platforms, are increasingly gaining importance in
enterprise contexts. Enterprise social networking (ESN) is often associated with improved …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of government internal control systems on financial reporting quality in Ghana: A case study of Ghana revenue authority

W Agbenyo, Y Jiang, PK Cobblah - International Journal of …, 2018 - academia.edu
Internal control systems cannot be underestimated as it serves as the lifeblood of most
institutions in terms of its imperative roles that it plays in both tangible and intangible assets …

[КНИГА][B] Hierarchy and organisation: Toward a general theory of hierarchical social systems

T Diefenbach - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Most people take the conditions they work and live in as a given, believing it to be normal
that societies are stratified and that organisations are hierarchical. Many even think that this …

Bridging formal barriers in digital work environments–Investigating technology-enabled interactions across organizational hierarchies

C Meske, T Kissmer, S Stieglitz - Telematics and Informatics, 2020 - Elsevier
Formal hierarchies are vital for organizations. However, in the workplace they can also act
as invisible barriers for the interaction between individuals from different hierarchical levels …

[КНИГА][B] The democratic organisation: democracy and the future of work

T Diefenbach - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Prevailing models of organisation divide people into owners, managers and employees,
forcing especially the latter to obey, to behave, and to function well within a hierarchical and …