Human–robot collaborations in smart manufacturing environments: review and outlook
The successful implementation of Human–Robot Collaboration (HRC) has become a
prominent feature of smart manufacturing environments. Key industrial requirements, such …
prominent feature of smart manufacturing environments. Key industrial requirements, such …
Map** the emergent trends in industrial augmented reality
Augmented reality (AR) is a rapidly develo** technology with the potential to revolutionize
various sectors of industry by integrating digital information with the real world. This paper …
various sectors of industry by integrating digital information with the real world. This paper …
Dynamic scheduling method for job-shop manufacturing systems by deep reinforcement learning with proximal policy optimization
With the rapid development of Industrial 4.0, the modern manufacturing system has been
experiencing profoundly digital transformation. The development of new technologies helps …
experiencing profoundly digital transformation. The development of new technologies helps …
Investigating the impact of smart manufacturing and interconnected emerging technologies in building smarter supply chains
PC Kandarkar, V Ravi - Journal of Manufacturing Technology …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Industry 4.0 has put forward a smart perspective on managing supply chain
networks and their operations. The current manufacturing system is primarily data-driven …
networks and their operations. The current manufacturing system is primarily data-driven …
Integrated optimization of production planning and electric trucks charging and discharging scheduling
The majority of supply chains in any manufacturing industry rely on heavy trucks for their
flow of material from suppliers to end-users. Transportation by these heavy trucks causes …
flow of material from suppliers to end-users. Transportation by these heavy trucks causes …
A digital twin-based distributed manufacturing execution system for industry 4.0 with ai-powered on-the-fly replanning capabilities
Industry 4.0 smart production systems comprise industrial systems and subsystems that
need to be integrated in such a way that they are able to support high modularity and …
need to be integrated in such a way that they are able to support high modularity and …
Augmented reality in Industry 4.0 assistance and training areas: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
Augmented reality (AR) technology is making a strong appearance on the industrial
landscape, driven by significant advances in technological tools and developments. Its …
landscape, driven by significant advances in technological tools and developments. Its …
An overview of human-robot collaboration in smart manufacturing
Industry 4.0, characterized as smart manufacturing, has revolutionized the industrial world
with cutting-edge technologies such as collaborative robots and artificial intelligence etc …
with cutting-edge technologies such as collaborative robots and artificial intelligence etc …
Augmented reality und virtual reality–einsatz im kontext von arbeit, forschung und lehre
M Knoll, S Stieglitz - HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2022 - Springer
Technologien zur Unterstützung von Augmented Reality (AR) und Virtual Reality (VR)
setzen sich mit zunehmender Geschwindigkeit am Markt durch und ermöglichen so das seit …
setzen sich mit zunehmender Geschwindigkeit am Markt durch und ermöglichen so das seit …
Augmented reality in industry 4.0 assistance and training areas: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
Augmented reality (AR) technology is making a strong appearance on the industrial
landscape, driven by significant advances in technological tools and developments. Its …
landscape, driven by significant advances in technological tools and developments. Its …