Magmatic to hydrothermal metal fluxes in convergent and collided margins
JP Richards - Ore Geology Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Metals such as Cu, Mo, Au, Sn, and W in porphyry and related epithermal mineral deposits
are derived predominantly from the associated magmas, via magmatic–hydrothermal fluids …
are derived predominantly from the associated magmas, via magmatic–hydrothermal fluids …
Porphyry deposits and oxidized magmas
Porphyry deposits supply most of the world's Cu and Mo resources. Over 90% of the
porphyry deposits are found at convergent margins, especially above active subduction …
porphyry deposits are found at convergent margins, especially above active subduction …
Timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry Cu systems: insight from LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions and in situ oxygen isotope analysis of …
X Sun, R Li, X Si, K **ao, J Deng - Economic Geology, 2024 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
The timing and mechanism of ore precipitation in porphyry copper systems are hot topics
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
and remain controversial. The large Miocene collision-related Zhunuo porphyry Cu deposit …
Lithospheric architecture of the Lhasa terrane and its control on ore deposits in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen
Magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits in collisional orogens are new targets for modern
mineral exploration, yet it is unclear why they preferentially occur in some specific tectonic …
mineral exploration, yet it is unclear why they preferentially occur in some specific tectonic …
A genetic linkage between subduction-and collision-related porphyry Cu deposits in continental collision zones
The genesis of continental collision-related porphyry Cu deposits (PCDs) remains
controversial. The most common hypothesis links their genesis with magmas derived from …
controversial. The most common hypothesis links their genesis with magmas derived from …
Tibetan ore deposits: A conjunction of accretionary orogeny and continental collision
This paper reviews the spatial-temporal distribution, geological and geochemical features,
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
and geophysical context of diverse types of Cenozoic ore deposits formed during India …
Skarn zonation of the giant Jiama Cu-Mo-Au deposit in southern Tibet, SW China
Jiama is a giant skarn-porphyry deposit in southern Tibet, southwestern China. It is the
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …
largest Cu (~ 7.4 Mt), second largest Au (~ 208 t), and fourth largest Mo (~ 0.62 Mt) skarn …
Zircon compositions as a pathfinder for porphyry Cu±Mo±Au deposits
Zircon composition has great potential as a pathfinder for porphyry Cu±Mo±Au systems. The
present study used a large integrated laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass …
present study used a large integrated laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass …
[HTML][HTML] Tectonic, magmatic, and metallogenic evolution of the Tethyan orogen: From subduction to collision
JP Richards - Ore Geology Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the tectonic, magmatic, and metallogenic history of the Tethyan orogen
from the Carpathians to Indochina. Focus is placed on the formation of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au …
from the Carpathians to Indochina. Focus is placed on the formation of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au …
Origin of postcollisional magmas and formation of porphyry Cu deposits in southern Tibet
The recent discovery of large porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) associated with Miocene (22–
12 Ma) granitoid magmas in the eastern section of the Paleocene-Eocene Gangdese …
12 Ma) granitoid magmas in the eastern section of the Paleocene-Eocene Gangdese …