Technology acceptance and user experience: A review of the experiential component in HCI

K Hornbæk, M Hertzum - ACM Transactions on Computer-Human …, 2017 -
Understanding the mechanisms that shape the adoption and use of information technology
is central to human--computer interaction. Two accounts are particularly vocal about these …

[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive framework to evaluate websites: literature review and development of GoodWeb

R Allison, C Hayes, CAM McNulty… - JMIR formative …, 2019 -
Background: Attention is turning toward increasing the quality of websites and quality
evaluation to attract new users and retain existing users. Objective: This sco** study …

Design thinking approach for user interface design and user experience on campus academic information systems

I Darmawan, MS Anwar, A Rahmatulloh… - JOIV: International Journal …, 2022 -
Design Thinking Approach for User Interface Design and User Experience on Campus
Academic Information Systems Page 1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INFORMATICS …

[HTML][HTML] Accuracy of a chatbot (Ada) in the diagnosis of mental disorders: comparative case study with lay and expert users

SM Jungmann, T Klan, S Kuhn… - JMIR formative …, 2019 -
Background: Health apps for the screening and diagnosis of mental disorders have
emerged in recent years on various levels (eg, patients, practitioners, and public health …

Hedonic and pragmatic halo effects at early stages of user experience

M Minge, M Thüring - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2018 - Elsevier
User Experience (UX) has emerged as a comprehensive concept which provides a holistic
perspective on users' interaction with technology. This concept can be characterized as a …

[HTML][HTML] Social perspectives of carbon capture, transportation, utilization, and storage in Switzerland

I Dallo, M Marti, LD Kuratle, C Ly, S Zeller… - Energy Research & …, 2024 - Elsevier
Carbon capture, transportation, utilization, and storage (CCT (U) S) is indispensable to
reduce the hard-to-abate emissions and, consequently, to achieve the Swiss climate goals …

[HTML][HTML] The role of expectations in service evaluation: A longitudinal study of a proximity mobile payment service

S Kujala, R Mugge, T Miron-Shatz - International Journal of Human …, 2017 - Elsevier
We develop and test a model that suggests that expectations influence subjective usability
and emotional experiences and, thereby, behavioral intentions to continue use and to …

The power of lurking: Assessing the online experience of luxury brand fan page followers

H Kefi, D Maar - Journal of Business Research, 2020 - Elsevier
Despite the popularity of brand fan pages, knowledge of how following a luxury brand on
social media contributes to the firm's customer relationship management efforts is still …

Facets of website content

MT Thielsch, G Hirschfeld - Human–Computer Interaction, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Content is of primary importance in the World Wide Web. In particular, subjective
perceptions of content are known to influence a variety of user evaluations, thereby altering …

Regional news audiences' value perception of local news

S Park, C Fisher, JY Lee - Journalism, 2022 -
Local news outlets are under threat in the digital era, and many are closing or merging with
other news media due to the loss in advertising and audiences. A sustainable business …