Identifying organizational identification as a basis for attitudes and behaviors: A meta-analytic review.
Organizational identification has been argued to have a unique value in explaining
individual attitudes and behaviors in organizations, as it involves the essential definition of …
individual attitudes and behaviors in organizations, as it involves the essential definition of …
Antecedents of organizational identification: A review and agenda for future research
Research on the antecedents of organizational identification (OI), individuals' sense of
oneness with the organization, has developed over time with four major categories …
oneness with the organization, has developed over time with four major categories …
A meta-analytic review of identification at work: Relative contribution of team, organizational, and professional identification.
Research on social identification in organizations is diverse and evolving. As focus has
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
shifted to the effects of multiple identities, there is a need to further define relationships …
Social support: Multidisciplinary review, synthesis, and future agenda
YL Bavik, JD Shaw, XH Wang - Academy of Management Annals, 2020 - journals.aom.org
Social support research proliferated across multiple disciplines for more than a half century.
This growth, as well as disciplinary differences, resulted in mixed views, conceptualizations …
This growth, as well as disciplinary differences, resulted in mixed views, conceptualizations …
Antecedents and outcomes of perceived organizational support: A literature survey approach
Purpose–Riggle et al.'s (2009) and Rhoades and Eisenberger (2002) literature surveys are
the latest available studies on antecedents and outcomes of perceived organizational …
the latest available studies on antecedents and outcomes of perceived organizational …
Procedural justice, supervisor autonomy support, work satisfaction, organizational identification and job performance: The mediating role of need satisfaction and …
Aim To test a model linking procedural justice, supervisor autonomy support, need
satisfaction, organizational support, work satisfaction, organizational identification and job …
satisfaction, organizational support, work satisfaction, organizational identification and job …
Linking transformational leadership and continuous improvement: The mediating role of trust
Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate employee trust in the leader as the
underlying mechanism between transformational leadership and employees' organizational …
underlying mechanism between transformational leadership and employees' organizational …
Perceived organizational support and its outcomes: A meta-analysis of latest available literature
Purpose–Riggle et al.'s (2009) research of 20 years literature (1986-2006) is the latest
available meta-analysis on perceived organizational support and outcomes. There are …
available meta-analysis on perceived organizational support and outcomes. There are …
Perception of organizational politics, knowledge hiding and organizational citizenship behavior: the moderating effect of political skill
Purpose Based on the conservation of resource (COR) theory, this study investigates the
association between the perception of organizational politics and organizational citizenship …
association between the perception of organizational politics and organizational citizenship …
The effect of organizational justice and perceived organizational support on organizational citizenship behaviors: The mediating role of organizational identification
; kamile Demir - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
Problem of Study: Research on social exchange relationships does not take into account
another vital component of organizational life—namely an individual's sense of belonging …
another vital component of organizational life—namely an individual's sense of belonging …