The complexity of bayesian network learning: Revisiting the superstructure
R Ganian, V Korchemna - Advances in Neural Information …, 2021 - proceedings.neurips.cc
We investigate the parameterized complexity of Bayesian Network Structure Learning
(BNSL), a classical problem that has received significant attention in empirical but also …
(BNSL), a classical problem that has received significant attention in empirical but also …
On structural parameterizations of the bounded-degree vertex deletion problem
We study the parameterized complexity of the Bounded-Degree Vertex Deletion problem
(BDD), where the aim is to find a maximum induced subgraph whose maximum degree is …
(BDD), where the aim is to find a maximum induced subgraph whose maximum degree is …
Structural parameterizations for two bounded degree problems revisited
We revisit two well-studied problems, Bounded Degree Vertex Deletion and Defective
Coloring, where the input is a graph G and a target degree Δ, and we are asked either to edit …
Coloring, where the input is a graph G and a target degree Δ, and we are asked either to edit …
[HTML][HTML] Latency-bounded target set selection in social networks
Motivated by applications in sociology, economy and medicine, we study variants of the
Target Set Selection problem, first proposed by Kempe, Kleinberg and Tardos. In our …
Target Set Selection problem, first proposed by Kempe, Kleinberg and Tardos. In our …
Grundy distinguishes treewidth from pathwidth
Structural graph parameters, such as treewidth, pathwidth, and clique-width, are a central
topic of study in parameterized complexity. A main aim of research in this area is to …
topic of study in parameterized complexity. A main aim of research in this area is to …
A unifying framework for characterizing and computing width measures
Algorithms for computing or approximating optimal decompositions for decompositional
parameters such as treewidth or clique-width have so far traditionally been tailored to …
parameters such as treewidth or clique-width have so far traditionally been tailored to …
As time goes by: reflections on treewidth for temporal graphs
Treewidth is arguably the most important structural graph parameter leading to
algorithmically beneficial graph decompositions. Triggered by a strongly growing interest in …
algorithmically beneficial graph decompositions. Triggered by a strongly growing interest in …
[HTML][HTML] Fixed-parameter algorithms for vertex cover P3
Let P ℓ denote a path in a graph G=(V, E) with ℓ vertices. A vertex cover P ℓ set C in G is a
vertex subset such that every P ℓ in G has at least a vertex in C. The Vertex Cover P ℓ …
vertex subset such that every P ℓ in G has at least a vertex in C. The Vertex Cover P ℓ …
Parameterized approximation schemes using graph widths
M Lampis - International Colloquium on Automata, Languages …, 2014 - Springer
Combining the techniques of approximation algorithms and parameterized complexity has
long been considered a promising research area, but relatively few results are currently …
long been considered a promising research area, but relatively few results are currently …
[HTML][HTML] On a generalization of Nemhauser and Trotter's local optimization theorem
M **ao - Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Fellows, Guo, Moser and Niedermeier [14] proved a generalization of Nemhauser
and Trotter's theorem, which applies to d-Bounded-Degree Vertex Deletion (to delete k …
and Trotter's theorem, which applies to d-Bounded-Degree Vertex Deletion (to delete k …