Surrogate modeling of agent-based airport terminal operations

B De Leeuw, SS Mohammadi Ziabari… - … Workshop on Multi …, 2022 - Springer
The airport terminals are complex sociotechnical systems, which are difficult to understand
and their behavior is hard to predict. Hence, an agent-based model, the Agent-based Airport …

Smart Airports–Balancing Queue Management and Anti-epidemic Measures

T Dvořáková, M Svitek, Š Voráčová… - 2022 Smart City …, 2022 -
Airports worldwide are dealing with application of anti-epidemic measures, that lead to
decreased capacity of airport terminals. Passengers are obliged to observe physical …

Demo paper: a tool for analyzing COVID-19-related measurements using agent-based support simulator for airport terminal operations

SSM Ziabari, G Sanders, A Mekic… - … Conference on Practical …, 2021 - Springer
This paper presents a demonstration of our PAAMS 2021 paper using data-driven analysis
of airport terminal operations and An Agent-based Airport Terminal Operations Model …

Towards a Better Understanding of Agent-Based Airport Terminal Operations Using Surrogate Modeling

BCD De Bosscher, SS Mohammadi Ziabari… - … Workshop on Multi …, 2023 - Springer
Airport terminals are complex sociotechnical systems, in which humans interact with diverse
technical systems. A natural way to represent them is through agent-based modeling …

Model toků cestujících ve veřejné části Terminálu 2 na LKPR

S Alessandro - 2024 -
Cieľom bakalárskej práce je štúdium toku cestujúcich v rámci verejnej časti Terminálu 2
Letiska Václava Havla v Prahe. Za týmto účelom bol vytvorený počítačový model …