Modeling English teachers' behavioral intention to use artificial intelligence in middle schools
Artificial intelligence (AI) provides new opportunities for K-12 English as foreign language
(EFL) teachers to improve their teaching. To address the emerging trend of integrating AI …
(EFL) teachers to improve their teaching. To address the emerging trend of integrating AI …
Using an extended Technology Acceptance Model to understand students' use of e-learning during Covid-19: Indonesian sport science education context
This study was to explore factors predicting the use of e-learning during Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (Covid-19) among sport science education students In Indonesia Higher …
Disease 2019 (Covid-19) among sport science education students In Indonesia Higher …
Application of learning management system (Lms) during the covid-19 pandemic: A sustainable acceptance model of the expansion technology approach
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of universities and colleges throughout the
world, with the hope that public health officials' suggestion of social distancing would help …
world, with the hope that public health officials' suggestion of social distancing would help …
Factors influencing adoption of online teaching by school teachers: A study during COVID‐19 pandemic
The research develops a theoretical model that highlights the determinants of adoption of
online teaching at the time of the outbreak of COVID 19. Empirical data was gathered from …
online teaching at the time of the outbreak of COVID 19. Empirical data was gathered from …
Examining teachers' behavioural intention for online teaching after COVID-19 pandemic: A large-scale survey
Recently, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to rapid digitalisation
in education, requiring educators to adopt several technologies simultaneously for online …
in education, requiring educators to adopt several technologies simultaneously for online …
Video conferencing in the e-learning context: explaining learning outcome with the technology acceptance model
This study uses the technology acceptance model (TAM) to help explain how the use of
technology influences learning outcomes emanating from engagement with the Zoom video …
technology influences learning outcomes emanating from engagement with the Zoom video …
A systematic review of research examining teachers' competence-related beliefs about ICT use: Frameworks and related measures
Existing measures of teachers' ICT-related competences and competence beliefs vary
broadly across studies. This systematic review provides a summary of competence …
broadly across studies. This systematic review provides a summary of competence …
Extending the technology acceptance model of college learners' mobile‐assisted language learning by incorporating psychological constructs
HT Hsu, CC Lin - British Journal of Educational Technology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Few studies have investigated the extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM) of
mobile‐assisted language learning (MALL) by incorporating psychological influence factors …
mobile‐assisted language learning (MALL) by incorporating psychological influence factors …
Investigating teachers' adoption of MOOCs: the perspective of UTAUT2
The number of the massive open online courses (MOOCs) around the globe is on the rise.
Despite the popularity of MOOCs, they have received less attention from faculty members …
Despite the popularity of MOOCs, they have received less attention from faculty members …
Predicting preservice science teachers' TPACK through ICT usage
Designing effective and efficient learning environments by integrating recent educational
technologies into the teaching process has become an important goal of education for …
technologies into the teaching process has become an important goal of education for …