No Ranaviral DNA Found in Australian Freshwater Turtles, 2014–19, Despite Previous Serologic Evidence
Ranaviruses are pathogens of ectothermic vertebrates (fish, amphibians, and reptiles).
Turtles are the most common group of reptiles reported with ranaviral infections. However …
Turtles are the most common group of reptiles reported with ranaviral infections. However …
Molecular detection of novel herpesviruses and adenoviruses in two species of Australian freshwater turtles
Cutaneous lesions were observed in a wild population of freshwater turtles during routine
disease surveillance at Alligator Creek, Townsville, Australia. Previous attempts to identify …
disease surveillance at Alligator Creek, Townsville, Australia. Previous attempts to identify …
Delving into the Aftermath of a Disease-Associated Near-Extinction Event: A Five-Year Study of a Serpentovirus (Nidovirus) in a Critically Endangered Turtle …
Bellinger River virus (BRV) is a serpentovirus (nidovirus) that was likely responsible for the
catastrophic mortality of the Australian freshwater turtle Myuchelys georgesi in February …
catastrophic mortality of the Australian freshwater turtle Myuchelys georgesi in February …
Investigating the epidemiology of adenoviruses in free-ranging turtles in Illinois
ZC Ready - 2024 - ideals.illinois.edu
Adenoviruses (AdV) were first reported as a disease threat in chelonians during a mortality
event in 2007 caused by a Siadenovirus later named Sulawesi tortoise adenovirus (STADV) …
event in 2007 caused by a Siadenovirus later named Sulawesi tortoise adenovirus (STADV) …
Fonte e efeitos dos microrganismos contaminantes em ovos de Podocnemis expansa e P. unifilis em ambiente natural e cativeiro
BM Lima - 2023 - tede.ufam.edu.br
A exploração de quelônios e seus ovos faz parte da cultura dos povos da Amazônia, como
fonte de renda e alimentação. Entretanto, o uso desordenado e irracional de adultos e de …
fonte de renda e alimentação. Entretanto, o uso desordenado e irracional de adultos e de …
Discovery of herpesviruses and other potential pathogenic viruses in Australian wildlife
GR Okoh - 2023 - researchonline.jcu.edu.au
God'spower Okoh investigated the occurrence of novel viruses in Australian wildlife using
broad-based molecular assays. He developed universal PCR assays and discovered 20 …
broad-based molecular assays. He developed universal PCR assays and discovered 20 …