Dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen on silicon surfaces
The dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen on silicon is considered to be the
prototype for an activated chemical reaction at a semiconductor surface. The covalent nature …
prototype for an activated chemical reaction at a semiconductor surface. The covalent nature …
[CARTE][B] Theoretical surface science
A Groß - 2009 - Springer
More than five years have passed since the first edition of this book was published. Surface
science is still a very active field of research, and the fact that the Nobel Prize 2007 in …
science is still a very active field of research, and the fact that the Nobel Prize 2007 in …
The virtual chemistry lab for reactions at surfaces: Is it possible? Will it be useful?
A Groß - Surface science, 2002 - Elsevier
Ab initio total-energy calculations based on electronic structure theory have tremendously
enlarged our knowledge about the geometrical and electronic structure of clean and …
enlarged our knowledge about the geometrical and electronic structure of clean and …
Reactions at surfaces studied by ab initio dynamics calculations
A Groß - Surface science reports, 1998 - Elsevier
Owing to the development of efficient algorithms and the improvement of computer power it
is now possible to map out potential energy surfaces (PESs) of reactions at surfaces in great …
is now possible to map out potential energy surfaces (PESs) of reactions at surfaces in great …
[CARTE][B] Laser Spectroscopy And Photochemistry On Metal Surfaces (In 2 Parts)-Part 2
Using lasers to induce and probe surface processes has the advantages of quantum state
specificity, species selectivity, surface sensitivity, fast time-resolution, high frequency …
specificity, species selectivity, surface sensitivity, fast time-resolution, high frequency …
The bare and acetylene chemisorbed Si (001) surface, and the mechanism of acetylene chemisorption
Both cluster and extended slab models for the bare Si (001) surface and for acetylene
chemisorbed on that surface were studied by various theoretical methods. Our calculations …
chemisorbed on that surface were studied by various theoretical methods. Our calculations …
Nonlinear optical investigations of the dynamics of hydrogen interaction with silicon surfaces
U Höfer - Applied Physics A, 1996 - Springer
Optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) from silicon surfaces may be resonantly
enhanced by dangling-bond-derived surface states. The resulting high sensitivity to …
enhanced by dangling-bond-derived surface states. The resulting high sensitivity to …
Effect of the cluster size in modeling the desorption and dissociative adsorption on Si(001)
Three different clusters, Si 9 H 12, Si 15 H 16, and Si 21 H 20, are used in density-functional
theory calculations in conjunction with ab initio pseudopotentials to study how the energetics …
theory calculations in conjunction with ab initio pseudopotentials to study how the energetics …
Atomic H abstraction of surface H on Si: An Eley–Rideal mechanism?
The abstraction kinetics for atomic hydrogen (Hat) removal of chemisorbed D and atomic
deuterium (Dat) removal of chemisorbed H are studied on single crystal Si surfaces. The …
deuterium (Dat) removal of chemisorbed H are studied on single crystal Si surfaces. The …
Interaction of atomic hydrogen with the diamond C (111) surface studied by infrared-visible sum-frequency-generation spectroscopy
RP Chin, JY Huang, YR Shen, TJ Chuang, H Seki - Physical Review B, 1995 - APS
Atomic hydrogen (deuterium) adsorbed onto the diamond C (111) surface has been studied
by infrared-visible sum-frequency-generation spectroscopy. Monohydride termination of H/C …
by infrared-visible sum-frequency-generation spectroscopy. Monohydride termination of H/C …