Arctic freshwater impact on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: status and prospects
Arguably, the most conspicuous evidence for anthropogenic climate change lies in the Arctic
Ocean. For example, the summer-time Arctic sea ice extent has declined over the last 40 …
Ocean. For example, the summer-time Arctic sea ice extent has declined over the last 40 …
Analysis of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater content in 2003–2018
Hydrographic data collected from research cruises, bottom‐anchored moorings, drifting Ice‐
Tethered Profilers, and satellite altimetry in the Beaufort Gyre region of the Arctic Ocean …
Tethered Profilers, and satellite altimetry in the Beaufort Gyre region of the Arctic Ocean …
Recent state transition of the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort Gyre
Abstract The anti-cyclonic Beaufort Gyre is the dominant circulation of the Canada Basin and
the largest freshwater reservoir in the Arctic Ocean. During the first part of the 2000s, the …
the largest freshwater reservoir in the Arctic Ocean. During the first part of the 2000s, the …
Eddy activity in the Arctic Ocean projected to surge in a warming world
Ocean eddies play a critical role in climate and marine life. In the rapidly warming Arctic, little
is known about how ocean eddy activity will change because existing climate models cannot …
is known about how ocean eddy activity will change because existing climate models cannot …
Warming of the interior Arctic Ocean linked to sea ice losses at the basin margins
Arctic Ocean measurements reveal a near doubling of ocean heat content relative to the
freezing temperature in the Beaufort Gyre halocline over the past three decades (1987 …
freezing temperature in the Beaufort Gyre halocline over the past three decades (1987 …
Enhanced eddy activity in the Beaufort Gyre in response to sea ice loss
Abstract The Beaufort Gyre freshwater content has increased since the 1990s, potentially
stabilizing in recent years. The mechanisms proposed to explain the stabilization involve …
stabilizing in recent years. The mechanisms proposed to explain the stabilization involve …
Eddies in the Western Arctic Ocean from spaceborne SAR observations over open ocean and marginal ice zones
Abstract The Western Arctic Ocean is a host to major ocean circulation systems, many of
which generate eddies that can transport water masses and corresponding tracers over long …
which generate eddies that can transport water masses and corresponding tracers over long …
Arctic Ocean surface geostrophic circulation 2003–2014
Monitoring the surface circulation of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean is generally limited in
space, time or both. We present a new 12-year record of geostrophic currents at monthly …
space, time or both. We present a new 12-year record of geostrophic currents at monthly …
Submesoscale sea ice‐ocean interactions in marginal ice zones
Signatures of ocean eddies, fronts, and filaments are commonly observed within marginal
ice zones (MIZs) from satellite images of sea ice concentration, and in situ observations via …
ice zones (MIZs) from satellite images of sea ice concentration, and in situ observations via …
[HTML][HTML] The deep arctic ocean and fram strait in cmip6 models
The Deep Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait in CMIP6 Models in: Journal of Climate Volume 36
Issue 8 (2023) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo JOURNALS Artificial …
Issue 8 (2023) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo Logo JOURNALS Artificial …