Impacts and management of wild pigs Sus scrofa in Australia
Globally, wild or feral pigs S us scrofa are a widespread and important pest. Mitigation of
their impacts requires a sound understanding of those impacts and the benefits and …
their impacts requires a sound understanding of those impacts and the benefits and …
Hog heaven? Challenges of managing introduced wild pigs in natural areas
The geographic distribution and size of wild pig (Sus scrofa) populations has rapidly
expanded in recent years globally, resulting in increased impacts on natural and …
expanded in recent years globally, resulting in increased impacts on natural and …
Using spatial Bayesian methods to determine the genetic structure of a continuously distributed population: clusters or isolation by distance?
Summary 1 Spatially explicit Bayesian clustering techniques offer a powerful tool for ecology
and wildlife management, as genetic divisions can be correlated with landscape features …
and wildlife management, as genetic divisions can be correlated with landscape features …
Human footprint differentially impacts genetic connectivity of four wide‐ranging mammals in a fragmented landscape
Aim Maintaining connectivity is critical for long‐term persistence of wild carnivores in
landscapes fragmented due to anthropogenic activity. We examined spatial genetic structure …
landscapes fragmented due to anthropogenic activity. We examined spatial genetic structure …
Rapid recovery of invasive wild pig (Sus scrofa) populations following density reduction
Trap** is an effective strategy for control of invasive wild pig (Sus scrofa), but eradication
of populations via trap** alone typically is impractical throughout much of the species' …
of populations via trap** alone typically is impractical throughout much of the species' …
Additional toxins for feral pig (Sus scrofa) control: identifying and testing Achilles' heels
A literature review was conducted in order to identify unique weaknesses in the physiology
or metabolism of pigs that could be targeted with specific chemicals (ie an 'Achilles' …
or metabolism of pigs that could be targeted with specific chemicals (ie an 'Achilles' …
Territoriality of feral pigs in a highly persecuted population on Fort Benning, Georgia
We examined home range behavior of female feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in a heavily hunted
population on Fort Benning Military Reservation in west‐central Georgia, USA. We used …
population on Fort Benning Military Reservation in west‐central Georgia, USA. We used …
Potential effects of incorporating fertility control into typical culling regimes in wild pig populations
Effective management of widespread invasive species such as wild pigs (Sus scrofa) is
limited by resources available to devote to the effort. Better insight of the effectiveness of …
limited by resources available to devote to the effort. Better insight of the effectiveness of …
A comparison of fragmenting lead-based and lead-free bullets for aerial shooting of wild pigs
In response to the health threats posed by toxic lead to humans, scavenging wildlife and the
environment, there is currently a focus on transitioning from lead-based to lead-free bullets …
environment, there is currently a focus on transitioning from lead-based to lead-free bullets …
[ספר][B] Applied population and community ecology: the case of feral pigs in Australia
J Hone - 2012 -
Part of the Zoological Society of London's Conservation Science and Practice Series,
Applied Population and Community Ecology evaluates theory in population and community …
Applied Population and Community Ecology evaluates theory in population and community …