Frameworks for develo** impactful systematic literature reviews and theory building: What, Why and How?
With the increased momentum of knowledge generation in the field of research, systematic
reviews are essential to epitomise the state of extant literature and for theory building. In this …
reviews are essential to epitomise the state of extant literature and for theory building. In this …
Advancing knowledge through literature reviews:'what','why', and 'how to contribute'
Literature review is part and parcel of scholarly research. Though many literature review
guides are available, they remain limited because they do not adequately account for the …
guides are available, they remain limited because they do not adequately account for the …
Enterprise pollution reduction through digital transformation? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing enterprises
S Zhao, L Zhang, L Peng, H Zhou, F Hu - Technology in Society, 2024 - Elsevier
Digital transformation provides new opportunities for the green development of enterprises.
Clarifying the impact and mechanism of digital transformation on enterprise pollution …
Clarifying the impact and mechanism of digital transformation on enterprise pollution …
Gamification and e-learning for young learners: A systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, and future research agenda
Over the last few years, gamification has sparked significant interest in both industry and
academia. However, the focus of the debate has been mostly on game studies and human …
academia. However, the focus of the debate has been mostly on game studies and human …
Leadership, green innovation, and green creativity: A systematic review
Conceptual and empirical progress have failed to keep up with growing industry interest in
leadership, green innovation, and green creativity in the service industries. The purpose of …
leadership, green innovation, and green creativity in the service industries. The purpose of …
Modeling the effects of digital transformation in Indian manufacturing industry
Digital transformation has become the new norm and is perceived as an important
component to transform the firms' businesses. It has revolutionized the way in which firms …
component to transform the firms' businesses. It has revolutionized the way in which firms …
The relationship between “job satisfaction” and “job performance”: A meta-analysis
The purpose of this meta-analytic research is to obtain a clear and unified result for the
relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, as previous research has shown …
relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, as previous research has shown …
Open innovation and SME performance: The roles of reverse knowledge sharing and stakeholder relationships
Abstract Although Small-to-Medium-sized-Enterprises (SMEs) frequently make vital
contributions to both national and global economics and innovations, the relative influences …
contributions to both national and global economics and innovations, the relative influences …
Impact of big data and artificial intelligence on industry: develo** a workforce roadmap for a data driven economy
Abstract Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BD&AI) have become so pervasive, and the
opportunities they present so transformative, that they are viewed as essential for …
opportunities they present so transformative, that they are viewed as essential for …
Culture and International business research: A review and research agenda
This study explores the role of culture and international business in internationalization
outcomes through a systematic review and analysis of articles published between 2009 and …
outcomes through a systematic review and analysis of articles published between 2009 and …