Ecotourism for conservation?
Ecotourism originated in the 1980s, at the dawn of sustainable development, as a way to
channel tourism revenues into conservation and development. Despite the “win-win” idea …
channel tourism revenues into conservation and development. Despite the “win-win” idea …
Environmentality unbound: Multiple governmentalities in environmental politics
This article reviews an emerging body of research applying a “multiple governmentalities”
perspective derived from Michel Foucault to the study of environmental politics. Previous …
perspective derived from Michel Foucault to the study of environmental politics. Previous …
Destructive creation: Capital accumulation and the structural violence of tourism
Tourism is not merely a capitalist practice but a central practice through which capitalism
sustains itself. Precisely how tourism “products” become capital and the types of violence …
sustains itself. Precisely how tourism “products” become capital and the types of violence …
[ספר][B] Ecotourism
DA Fennell - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Ecotourism continues to be embraced as the antithesis of mass tourism because of its
promise of achieving sustainability through conservation mindedness, community …
promise of achieving sustainability through conservation mindedness, community …
Can ecotourism deliver real economic, social, and environmental benefits? A study of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Doubt persists about ecotourism's ability to make tangible contributions to conservation and
deliver benefits for host communities. This work in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula tests the …
deliver benefits for host communities. This work in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula tests the …
Ecotourism after nature: Anthropocene tourism as a new capitalist “fix”
How does ecotourism–conventionally characterized by its pursuit of a “natural” experience–
confront assertions that “nature is over” attendant to growing promotion of the …
confront assertions that “nature is over” attendant to growing promotion of the …
Connection with nature is an oxymoron: A political ecology of “nature-deficit disorder”
It has become commonplace to argue that greater “connection with nature” is needed to
mobilize support for both biodiversity conservation and environmentalism generally, and …
mobilize support for both biodiversity conservation and environmentalism generally, and …
20 years of Nordic nature-based tourism research: A review and future research agenda
This paper provides a review of research in nature-based tourism in the Nordic region,
discuss it from an international viewpoint and provide an outlook for the future research …
discuss it from an international viewpoint and provide an outlook for the future research …
Nature-based tourism and neoliberalism: Concealing contradictions
Tourism, including nature-based tourism, simultaneously produces and conceals the
contradictions of capitalism. This is because it relies on creating attractions, or new sources …
contradictions of capitalism. This is because it relies on creating attractions, or new sources …
Half the earth for people (or more)? Addressing ethical questions in conservation
Preserving global biodiversity depends upon designating many more large terrestrial and
marine areas as strictly protected areas. Yet recent calls for addressing biodiversity loss by …
marine areas as strictly protected areas. Yet recent calls for addressing biodiversity loss by …