Hyperledger fabric: a distributed operating system for permissioned blockchains
Fabric is a modular and extensible open-source system for deploying and operating
permissioned blockchains and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by the Linux …
permissioned blockchains and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by the Linux …
Rethinking permissioned blockchains
M Vukolić - Proceedings of the ACM workshop on blockchain …, 2017 - dl.acm.org
Current blockchain platforms, especially the recent permissioned systems, have
architectural limitations: smart contracts run sequentially, all node executes all smart …
architectural limitations: smart contracts run sequentially, all node executes all smart …
[CARTE][B] Principles of distributed database systems
MT Özsu, P Valduriez - 1999 - Springer
The first edition of this book appeared in 1991 when the technology was new and there were
not too many products. In the Preface to the first edition, we had quoted Michael Stonebraker …
not too many products. In the Preface to the first edition, we had quoted Michael Stonebraker …
[CARTE][B] A primer on memory consistency and cache coherence
Many modern computer systems, including homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures,
support shared memory in hardware. In a shared memory system, each of the processor …
support shared memory in hardware. In a shared memory system, each of the processor …
SWORD: scalable workload-aware data placement for transactional workloads
In this paper, we address the problem of transparently scaling out transactional (OLTP)
workloads on relational databases, to support database-as-a-service in cloud computing …
workloads on relational databases, to support database-as-a-service in cloud computing …
Redy: Remote dynamic memory cache
Q Zhang, PA Bernstein, DS Berger… - ar** are standard techniques to provide recoverability and
high availability in data management systems. They entail an update to a local log file at …
high availability in data management systems. They entail an update to a local log file at …
[CARTE][B] Large scale and big data: Processing and management
This book provides a central source of reference on the various data management
techniques of large scale data processing and its technology application. This book presents …
techniques of large scale data processing and its technology application. This book presents …