Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in boreal forest soils: a mycorrhizal ecosystems perspective
The importance of develo** multi‐disciplinary approaches to solving problems relating to
anthropogenic pollution is now clearly appreciated by the scientific community, and this is …
anthropogenic pollution is now clearly appreciated by the scientific community, and this is …
A review of metal (Pb and Zn) sensitive and pH tolerant bioassay organisms for risk screening of metal-contaminated acidic soils
To improve risk estimates at the screening stage of Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA), short
duration bioassays tailored to undisturbed soil cores from the contaminated site could be …
duration bioassays tailored to undisturbed soil cores from the contaminated site could be …
Bioremediation of weathered petroleum hydrocarbon soil contamination in the Canadian High Arctic: laboratory and field studies
The bioremediation of weathered medium-to high-molecular weight petroleum
hydrocarbons (HCs) in the High Arctic was investigated. The polar desert climate …
hydrocarbons (HCs) in the High Arctic was investigated. The polar desert climate …
Oribatid mites in soil toxicity testing—the use of Oppia nitens (CL Koch) as a new test species
JI Princz, VM Behan‐Pelletier… - Environmental …, 2010 - academic.oup.com
Few soil invertebrate species are available for the toxic assessment of soils from boreal or
other northern ecozones, yet these soils cover the majority of Canada's landmass as well as …
other northern ecozones, yet these soils cover the majority of Canada's landmass as well as …
Evaluation of a new battery of toxicity tests for boreal forest soils: assessment of the impact of hydrocarbons and salts
JI Princz, M Moody, C Fraser… - Environmental …, 2012 - academic.oup.com
The ability to assess the toxic potential of soil contamination within boreal regions is
currently limited to test species representative of arable lands. This study evaluated the use …
currently limited to test species representative of arable lands. This study evaluated the use …
Oppia nitens CL Koch, 1836 (Acari: Oribatida): Current Status of Its Bionomics and Relevance as a Model Invertebrate in Soil Ecotoxicology
The oribatid soil mite Oppia nitens CL Koch, 1836, is a model microarthropod in soil
ecotoxicity testing. This species has a significant role in supporting soil functions and as a …
ecotoxicity testing. This species has a significant role in supporting soil functions and as a …
State of the science and the way forward for the ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated land
Over the past two decades, soil ecotoxicologists have made strides in utilizing the basic
concepts and advancements in soil zoology and ecology. They have applied the existing …
concepts and advancements in soil zoology and ecology. They have applied the existing …
Bioavailability of copper and zinc in mining soils
BA Smith, B Greenberg, GL Stephenson - Archives of environmental …, 2012 - Springer
The soil-contact exposure pathway can be the main driver of ecological risk assessments.
There is currently no standard method to measure bioavailability of metals in soil to …
There is currently no standard method to measure bioavailability of metals in soil to …
Utility of bioassays (lettuce, red clover, red fescue, Microtox, MetSTICK, Hyalella, bait lamina) in ecological risk screening of acid metal (Zn) contaminated soil
The objective of this study was to assess selected bioassays and ecological screening tools
for their suitability in a weight of evidence risk screening process of acidic metal …
for their suitability in a weight of evidence risk screening process of acidic metal …
Locomotor Response of Folsomia candida (Collembola: Isotomidae) to Cooling Temperatures
G Boiteau, P Mackinley - Environmental entomology, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Groups of Folsomia candida (Willem) were chilled to 0° C and warmed back to
room temperature to measure their locomotor response to cooling and determine the chill …
room temperature to measure their locomotor response to cooling and determine the chill …