The SAGEX review on scattering amplitudes Chapter 4: Multi-loop Feynman integrals

J Blümlein, C Schneider - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2022 -
The analytic integration and simplification of multi-loop Feynman integrals to special
functions and constants plays an important role to perform higher order perturbative …

[PDF][PDF] Symbolic summation assists combinatorics

C Schneider - Sém. Lothar. Combin, 2007 -
Part 1. Symbolic summation methods and applications Page 1 Séminaire Lotharingien de

Modern summation methods for loop integrals in quantum field theory: The packages Sigma, EvaluateMultiSums and SumProduction

C Schneider - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014 -
A large class of Feynman integrals, like eg, two-point parameter integrals with at most one
mass and containing local operator insertions, can be transformed to multi-sums over …

Solving parameterized linear difference equations in terms of indefinite nested sums and products

C Schneider - Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
The described algorithms enable one to find all solutions of parameterized linear difference
equations within ΠΣ-fields, a very general class of difference fields. These algorithms can be …

Creative telesco** for holonomic functions

C Koutschan - Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory …, 2013 - Springer
The aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand it is intended to serve as a gentle
introduction to the topic of creative telesco**, from a practical point of view; for this …

[PDF][PDF] A collection of denominator bounds to solve parameterized linear difference equations in ΠΣ-extensions

C Schneider - Proc. SYNASC04, 2004 -
An important application of solving parameterized linear difference equations in ΠΣ-fields, a
very general class of difference fields, is simplifying of multi-sum expressions and proving of …

Fast algorithms for refined parameterized telesco** in difference fields

C Schneider - Computer Algebra and Polynomials: Applications of …, 2015 - Springer
Parameterized telesco** (including telesco** and creative telesco**) and refined
versions of it play a central role in the research area of symbolic summation. In 1981 Karr …

Term algebras, canonical representations and difference ring theory for symbolic summation

C Schneider - Anti-Differentiation and the Calculation of Feynman …, 2021 - Springer
A general overview of the existing difference ring theory for symbolic summation is given.
Special emphasis is put on the user interface: the translation and back translation of the …

Degree bounds to find polynomial solutions of parameterized linear difference equations in ΠΣ-fields

C Schneider - Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication …, 2005 - Springer
An important application of solving parameterized linear difference equations in ΠΣ-fields, a
very general class of difference fields, is simplifying and proving of nested multisum …

Proof of George Andrews's and David Robbins's q-TSPP conjecture

C Koutschan, M Kauers, D Zeilberger - Proceedings of the National …, 2011 -
The conjecture that the orbit-counting generating function for totally symmetric plane
partitions can be written as an explicit product formula has been stated independently by …