[PDF][PDF] Perbandingan pengukuran kerapatan kanopi dari hemispherical photography dan UAV untuk pemetaan menggunakan citra sentinel-2
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemetaan kerapatan kanopi vegetasi tegak di
Sub DAS Bompon, dimana penggunaan lahan vegetasinya berupa kebun campuran dan …
Sub DAS Bompon, dimana penggunaan lahan vegetasinya berupa kebun campuran dan …
[HTML][HTML] Relationship between lidar-derived canopy densities and the scattering phase center of high-resolution TanDEM-X data
The estimation of forestry parameters is essential to understanding the three-dimensional
structure of forests. In this respect, the potential of X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has …
structure of forests. In this respect, the potential of X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has …
Uncrewed aircraft system spherical photography for the vertical characterization of canopy structural traits
The plant area index (PAI) is a structural trait that succinctly parametrizes the foliage
distribution of a canopy and is usually estimated using indirect optical techniques such as …
distribution of a canopy and is usually estimated using indirect optical techniques such as …
Reconstructing 3D model of accident scene using drone image processing
At the current stage, an investigation technique on the accident takes a longer time and this
causes longer traffic congestion. The aim of this study is to reconstruct a 3D model of an …
causes longer traffic congestion. The aim of this study is to reconstruct a 3D model of an …
Analisis Komparatif Tutupan Mangrove Menggunakan Citra Landsat 9 dan Sentinel 2A di Desa Labuan Tereng Kabupaten Lombok Barat
ABSTRAK Desa Labuan Tereng menjadi tempat dimana vegetasi mangrove tumbuh dan
berkembang. lokasi yang berada dekat dengan pelabuhan lembar membuat ekosistem …
berkembang. lokasi yang berada dekat dengan pelabuhan lembar membuat ekosistem …
[PDF][PDF] Integrated NIR-HE based SPOT-5 image enhancement method for features preservation and edge detection
Recently, many researchers have directed their attention to methods of predicting shorelines
by the use of multispectral images. Thus, a simple and optimised method using image …
by the use of multispectral images. Thus, a simple and optimised method using image …
[PDF][PDF] Checking the flight stability of a rotary UAV in navigation modes for different firmware
S Lienkov, A Myasischev, O Sieliukov… - … ; CEUR-WS Team …, 2021 - ceur-ws.org
In this work, the stability of a rotor-type UAV based on the STM32F405 microcontroller was
studied for flying in a fully automatic mode along a given trajectory during a gusty wind with …
studied for flying in a fully automatic mode along a given trajectory during a gusty wind with …