[PDF][PDF] Perbandingan pengukuran kerapatan kanopi dari hemispherical photography dan UAV untuk pemetaan menggunakan citra sentinel-2

TR Fariz, HM Ihsan, F Lutfiananda… - Jurnal Hutan Tropis …, 2023 - academia.edu
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan pemetaan kerapatan kanopi vegetasi tegak di
Sub DAS Bompon, dimana penggunaan lahan vegetasinya berupa kebun campuran dan …

[HTML][HTML] Relationship between lidar-derived canopy densities and the scattering phase center of high-resolution TanDEM-X data

J Ziemer, C Dubois, C Thiel, JL Bueso-Bello, P Rizzoli… - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
The estimation of forestry parameters is essential to understanding the three-dimensional
structure of forests. In this respect, the potential of X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has …

Uncrewed aircraft system spherical photography for the vertical characterization of canopy structural traits

VA Ribas Costa, M Durand, TM Robson… - new …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The plant area index (PAI) is a structural trait that succinctly parametrizes the foliage
distribution of a canopy and is usually estimated using indirect optical techniques such as …

Reconstructing 3D model of accident scene using drone image processing

MNI Norahim, KN Tahar, GR Maharjan, JC Matos - 2023 - repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt
At the current stage, an investigation technique on the accident takes a longer time and this
causes longer traffic congestion. The aim of this study is to reconstruct a 3D model of an …

Analisis Komparatif Tutupan Mangrove Menggunakan Citra Landsat 9 dan Sentinel 2A di Desa Labuan Tereng Kabupaten Lombok Barat

AR Prasetyo, N Valentino… - … SAINS TEKNOLOGI & …, 2024 - jstl.unram.ac.id
ABSTRAK Desa Labuan Tereng menjadi tempat dimana vegetasi mangrove tumbuh dan
berkembang. lokasi yang berada dekat dengan pelabuhan lembar membuat ekosistem …

[PDF][PDF] Integrated NIR-HE based SPOT-5 image enhancement method for features preservation and edge detection

FA Zulkifle, R Hassan, MN Ahmad, S Kasim… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2021 - academia.edu
Recently, many researchers have directed their attention to methods of predicting shorelines
by the use of multispectral images. Thus, a simple and optimised method using image …

[PDF][PDF] Checking the flight stability of a rotary UAV in navigation modes for different firmware

S Lienkov, A Myasischev, O Sieliukov… - … ; CEUR-WS Team …, 2021 - ceur-ws.org
In this work, the stability of a rotor-type UAV based on the STM32F405 microcontroller was
studied for flying in a fully automatic mode along a given trajectory during a gusty wind with …