Geometric and Morphometric Analysis of the Auditory Ossicles in the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

N Hadžiomerović, O Gundemir, F Tandir, R Avdić… - Animals, 2023 -
Simple Summary The aim of the study was to determine the morphological and
morphometrical features of the auditory ossicles in the red fox. Moreover, for the first time …

Effect of skull morphology on fox snow diving

J Yuk, A Pandey, L Park, WE Bemis, S Jung - Proceedings of the National …, 2024 -
Certain fox species plunge-dive into snow to catch prey (eg, rodents), a hunting mechanism
called mousing. Red and arctic foxes can dive into snow at speeds ranging between 2 and 4 …

Predator odour but not TMT induces 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats that lead to defensive behaviours in conspecifics upon replay

M Fendt, M Brosch, KEA Wernecke, M Willadsen… - Scientific reports, 2018 -
Predator odours induce defensive behaviour in prey animals such as rats. The present study
investigated (1) whether laboratory rats exposed to predator odours emit 22-kHz calls which …

Two pup vocalization types are genetically and functionally separable in deer mice

N Jour**e, ML Woolfolk, JI Sanguinetti-Scheck… - Current Biology, 2023 -
Vocalization is a widespread social behavior in vertebrates that can affect fitness in the wild.
Although many vocal behaviors are highly conserved, heritable features of specific …

Why do mice squeak? Toward a better understanding of defensive vocalization

J Ruat, AJ Genewsky, DE Heinz, SF Kaltwasser… - Iscience, 2022 -
Although mice mostly communicate in the ultrasonic range, they also emit audible calls. We
demonstrate that mice selectively bred for high anxiety-related behavior (HAB) have a high …

Do terrestrial animals avoid areas close to turbines in functioning wind farms in agricultural landscapes?

R Łopucki, D Klich, S Gielarek - Environmental Monitoring and …, 2017 - Springer
Most studies on the effects of wind energy on animals have focused on avian and bat
activity, habitat use, and mortality, whereas very few have been published on terrestrial, non …

Audible, but not ultrasonic, calls reflect surface-dwelling or subterranean specialization in pup and adult Brandt's and mandarin voles

MM Dymskaya, IA Volodin, AV Smorkatcheva… - Behavioral Ecology and …, 2022 - Springer
For human-audible vocalizations (below 20 kHz) of rodents, subterranean lifestyle results in
low-frequency calls coupled with low-frequency hearing. For ultrasonic vocalizations (above …

Structure and scaling of the middle ear in domestic dog breeds

MJ Mason, MA Lewis - Journal of Anatomy, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Although domestic dogs vary considerably in both body size and skull morphology,
behavioural audiograms have previously been found to be similar in breeds as distinct as a …

Otoacoustic emissions in African mole-rats

GA Manley, B Maat, S Begall, P Malkemper… - Hearing Research, 2024 - Elsevier
African mole-rats display highly derived hearing that is characterized by low sensitivity and a
narrow auditory range restricted to low frequencies< 10 kHz. Recently, it has been …

Audiograms of three subterranean rodent species (genus Fukomys) determined by auditory brainstem responses reveal extremely poor high-frequency cut-offs

P Gerhardt, Y Henning, S Begall… - Journal of …, 2017 -
Life underground has shaped the auditory sense of subterranean mammals, shifting their
hearing range to low frequencies. Mole-rats of the genus Fukomys have, however, been …