A dynamic approach to consistency management for mobile multiplayer games
In multiplayer games, where many players take part in a game while communicating through
a network, the players may have an inconsistent view of the game world because of the …
a network, the players may have an inconsistent view of the game world because of the …
Adaptable client-server architecture for mobile multiplayer games
Most of the multiplayer games available online are based on a client-server architecture
because this architecture gives better administration control to the game providers. Besides …
because this architecture gives better administration control to the game providers. Besides …
Synchronization medium: a consistency maintenance component for mobile multiplayer games
In multiplayer games, where many players take part in a game while communicating through
a network, the players may have an inconsistent view of the game world because of the …
a network, the players may have an inconsistent view of the game world because of the …
A Reusable Component for Communication and Data Synchronization in Mobile Distributed Interactive Applications
In Distributed Interactive Applications (DIA) such as multiplayer games, where many
participants are involved in a same game session and communicate through a network, they …
participants are involved in a same game session and communicate through a network, they …
Communication abstraction for data synchronization in distributed virtual environments: application to multiplayer games on mobile phones
AM Khan - 2010 - theses.hal.science
Multiplayer games users' have increased since the widespread use of the internet. Withthe
arrival of rich portable devices and faster cellular wireless networks, multiplayer games on …
arrival of rich portable devices and faster cellular wireless networks, multiplayer games on …