Multiconfiguration self-consistent field and multireference configuration interaction methods and applications

PG Szalay, T Muller, G Gidofalvi, H Lischka… - Chemical …, 2012 - ACS Publications
The configuration interaction (CI) method is a general procedure to compute approximate
solutions to the electronic Schrödinger equation. The wave function is written as a linear …

Dynamics of resonant x-ray and Auger scattering

F Gel'mukhanov, M Odelius, SP Polyutov… - Reviews of Modern …, 2021 - APS
An overview of both experimental and theoretical results in the field of resonant scattering of
tunable soft and hard x-ray radiation is presented, with a main focus on the closely related …

ExoMol molecular line lists XXX: a complete high-accuracy line list for water

OL Polyansky, AA Kyuberis, NF Zobov… - Monthly Notices of …, 2018 -
ABSTRACT A new line list for HO is presented. This line list, which is called POKAZATEL,
includes transitions between rotational–vibrational energy levels up to 41 000 cm− 1 and is …

Quantum-chemical calculation of spectroscopic parameters for rotational spectroscopy

C Puzzarini, JF Stanton, J Gauss - International Reviews in …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Full article: Quantum-chemical calculation of spectroscopic parameters for rotational
spectroscopy Skip to Main Content Taylor and Francis Online homepage Browse Search Publish …

[HTML][HTML] IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational–vibrational spectra of water vapor, Part III: Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for H216O

J Tennyson, PF Bernath, LR Brown… - Journal of quantitative …, 2013 - Elsevier
This is the third of a series of articles reporting critically evaluated rotational–vibrational line
positions, transition intensities, and energy levels, with associated critically reviewed labels …

Extrapolating MP2 and CCSD explicitly correlated correlation energies to the complete basis set limit with first and second row correlation consistent basis sets

JG Hill, KA Peterson, G Knizia… - The Journal of chemical …, 2009 -
Accurate extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit of valence correlation energies
calculated with explicitly correlated MP2-F12 and CCSD (T)-F12b methods have been …

MARVEL: measured active rotational–vibrational energy levels

T Furtenbacher, AG Császár, J Tennyson - Journal of Molecular …, 2007 - Elsevier
An algorithm is proposed, based principally on an earlier proposition of Flaud and co-
workers [Mol. Phys. 32 (1976) 499], that inverts the information contained in uniquely …

The fourth age of quantum chemistry: molecules in motion

AG Csaszar, C Fabri, T Szidarovszky… - Physical Chemistry …, 2012 -
Developments during the last two decades in nuclear motion theory made it possible to
obtain variational solutions to the time-independent, nuclear-motion Schrödinger equation of …

Toward black-box-type full-and reduced-dimensional variational (ro) vibrational computations

E Mátyus, G Czakó, AG Császár - The Journal of chemical physics, 2009 -
A black-box-type algorithm is presented for the variational computation of energy levels and
wave functions using a (ro) vibrational Hamiltonian expressed in an arbitrarily chosen body …

A global, high accuracy ab initio dipole moment surface for the electronic ground state of the water molecule

L Lodi, J Tennyson, OL Polyansky - The journal of chemical physics, 2011 -
A highly accurate, global dipole moment surface (DMS) is calculated for the water molecule
using ab initio quantum chemistry methods. The new surface is named LTP2011 and is …