Modeling confirmation bias and polarization

M Del Vicario, A Scala, G Caldarelli, HE Stanley… - Scientific reports, 2017 -
Online users tend to select claims that adhere to their system of beliefs and to ignore
dissenting information. Confirmation bias, indeed, plays a pivotal role in viral phenomena …

[CARTE][B] Interacting multiagent systems: kinetic equations and Monte Carlo methods

L Pareschi, G Toscani - 2013 -
The description of emerging collective phenomena and self-organization in systems
composed of large numbers of individuals has gained increasing interest from various …

Mpemba effect in driven granular Maxwell gases

A Biswas, VV Prasad, O Raz, R Rajesh - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
A Mpemba effect refers to the counterintuitive result that, when quenched to a low
temperature, a system at higher temperature may equilibrate faster than one at intermediate …

Bifurcations and patterns in compromise processes

E Ben-Naim, PL Krapivsky, S Redner - Physica D: nonlinear phenomena, 2003 - Elsevier
We study an opinion dynamics model in which agents reach compromise via pairwise
interactions. When the opinions of two agents are sufficiently close, they both acquire the …

[CARTE][B] Granular gaseous flows

V Garzó, V Garzó, PACKER. - 2019 - Springer
Granular materials are ubiquitous in nature and are also employed in many industrial
settings such as those involving chemical processes, pharmaceutical products, mining, and …

Inelastically scattering particles and wealth distribution in an open economy

F Slanina - Physical Review E, 2004 - APS
Using the analogy with inelastic granular gases we introduce a model for wealth exchange
in society. The dynamics is governed by a kinetic equation, which allows for self-similar …

Pattern formation of microtubules and motors: Inelastic interaction of polar rods

IS Aranson, LS Tsimring - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2005 - APS
We derive a model describing spatiotemporal organization of an array of microtubules
interacting via molecular motors. Starting from a stochastic model of inelastic polar rods with …

[PDF][PDF] Contractive probability metrics and asymptotic behavior of dissipative kinetic equations

JA Carrillo, G Toscani - Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma, 2007 -
The present notes are intended to present a detailed review of the existing results in
dissipative kinetic theory which make use of the contraction properties of two main families …

[PDF][PDF] Mathematics of granular materials

C Villani - Journal of statistical physics, 2006 -
MATHEMATICS OF GRANULAR MATERIALS Contents Introduction 1 1. Modelling 2 2.
Maxwellian toolbox 11 3. Gradient flow structure 19 Page 1 MATHEMATICS OF GRANULAR …

Scaling solutions of inelastic Boltzmann equations with over-populated high energy tails

MH Ernst, R Brito - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2002 - Springer
This paper deals with solutions of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation for spatially uniform
freely cooling inelastic Maxwell models for large times and for large velocities, and the …