Situating higher-order, critical, and critical-analytic thinking in problem-and project-based learning environments: A systematic review
Critical thinking (CT) is widely regarded as an important competence to obtain in education.
Students' exposure to problems and collaboration have been proven helpful in promoting …
Students' exposure to problems and collaboration have been proven helpful in promoting …
Sourcing in text comprehension: A review of interventions targeting sourcing skills
The process of using information about documents such as the author, genre, and date of
publication while evaluating and interpreting those documents' content was labeled …
publication while evaluating and interpreting those documents' content was labeled …
Vom forschungsnahen zum forschenden Lernen an Hochschulen
L Huber, G Reinmann - Wege der Bildung durch Wissenschaft, 2019 - Springer
„Nein, ein Vorwort brauchen wir nicht. Alles, was wir zum Buch zu sagen haben, schreiben
wir in die Einführung und in den Anhang; Vorworte sind so schwerfällig.“Das war Ludwig …
wir in die Einführung und in den Anhang; Vorworte sind so schwerfällig.“Das war Ludwig …
Students' engagement in different STEM learning environments: Integrated STEM education as promising practice?
In this paper, we explore how students' engagement varies in different STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning environments. More specifically, we focus …
Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning environments. More specifically, we focus …
Evaluating sources of scientific evidence and claims in the post-truth era may require reappraising plausibility judgments
When individuals have questions about scientific issues, they often search the Internet.
Evaluating sources of information and claims they find has become more difficult in the post …
Evaluating sources of information and claims they find has become more difficult in the post …
Toward an instructionally oriented theory of example‐based learning
A Renkl - Cognitive science, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Learning from examples is a very effective means of initial cognitive skill acquisition. There
is an enormous body of research on the specifics of this learning method. This article …
is an enormous body of research on the specifics of this learning method. This article …
The effects of different learning environments on students' motivation for learning and their achievement
M Baeten, F Dochy, K Struyven - British journal of educational …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Background. Research in higher education on the effects of student‐centred versus lecture‐
based learning environments generally does not take into account the psychological need …
based learning environments generally does not take into account the psychological need …
Student-centred learning environments: an investigation into student teachers' instructional preferences and approaches to learning
M Baeten, F Dochy, K Struyven, E Parmentier… - Learning environments …, 2016 - Springer
The use of student-centred learning environments in education has increased. This study
investigated student teachers' instructional preferences for these learning environments and …
investigated student teachers' instructional preferences for these learning environments and …
Student-centred teaching methods: Can they optimise students' approaches to learning in professional higher education?
M Baeten, K Struyven, F Dochy - Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper investigates dynamics in approaches to learning within different learning
environments. Two quasi-experimental studies were conducted with first-year student …
environments. Two quasi-experimental studies were conducted with first-year student …
A Renkl - Pädagogische psychologie, 2009 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Der Erwerb von Wissen (» knowledge acquisiton «) ist wohl die
wichtigste Zieldimension der meisten Bildungsprozesse. Wird im Kontext von Schule …
wichtigste Zieldimension der meisten Bildungsprozesse. Wird im Kontext von Schule …