The impact of rainfall on the first out-migration: A multi-level event-history analysis in Burkina Faso
Using event history analyses, we investigate the impact of rainfall conditions—a crucial
environmental factor in the livelihood of Sahelian households—on the risk of the first village …
environmental factor in the livelihood of Sahelian households—on the risk of the first village …
Modelling inter-provincial migration in Burkina Faso, West Africa: the role of socio-demographic and environmental factors
This study analyses the factors that cause inter-provincial migrations in an African context
(Burkina Faso, West Africa), focusing specifically on the role of environmental factors in …
(Burkina Faso, West Africa), focusing specifically on the role of environmental factors in …
Perceptions du changement climatique, impacts environnementaux et stratégies endogènes d'adaptation par les producteurs du Centre-nord du Burkina Faso
PN Kabore, B Barbier, P Ouoba, A Kiema, L Some… - VertigO, 2019 -
Le changement climatique représente une menace potentielle majeure pour la viabilité des
ménages ruraux d'Afrique subsaharienne qui vivent principalement de l'exploitation des …
ménages ruraux d'Afrique subsaharienne qui vivent principalement de l'exploitation des …
Long term dynamics and structure of woody vegetation in the Ferlo (Senegal)
C Vincke, I Diédhiou, M Grouzis - Journal of arid environments, 2010 - Elsevier
This study analyzes the evolution of the woody vegetation structure in the Ferlo (Senegal)
from 1976 to 1995 on a site not much influenced by human pressure (Fété-Olé), to …
from 1976 to 1995 on a site not much influenced by human pressure (Fété-Olé), to …
Influence du couvert sur la régénération de quelques espèces ligneuses sahéliennes (Nord Sénégal, Afrique occidentale)
LE Akpo, M Grouzis - Webbia, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
Résumé La régénération naturelle de la végétation ligneuse a été étudiée dans la zone
sahélienne du Sénégal (16° 20” N, 10° 25” W, avec 282 mm de précipitations annuelles) …
sahélienne du Sénégal (16° 20” N, 10° 25” W, avec 282 mm de précipitations annuelles) …
Biodiversity of ligneous species in semi-arid to arid zones of southwestern Niger according to anthropogenic and natural factors
L Mahamane, S Mahamane - Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 2005 - Elsevier
Floristic diversity, abundance and disappearance of woody species were investigated at four
sites of southwestern Niger, two in the semi-arid, two in the arid zone. The woody vegetation …
sites of southwestern Niger, two in the semi-arid, two in the arid zone. The woody vegetation …
Flore et structure de la végétation ligneuse le long de la Grande Muraille Verte au Ferlo, nord Sénégal.
K Niang, O Ndiaye, A Diallo, A Guissé - Journal of Applied Biosciences, 2014 -
Objectif: Ce travail réalisé dans les parcours communautaires du Ferlo-Nord, le long du
tracé de la Grande Muraille Verte, a pour objectif d'étudier les caractéristiques essentielles …
tracé de la Grande Muraille Verte, a pour objectif d'étudier les caractéristiques essentielles …
[HTML][HTML] Population structure and minimum felling diameter of Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir in arid and semi-arid climate zones of West Africa
NK Segla, H Rabiou, K Adjonou, BM Moussa… - South African Journal of …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir (Fabaceae) is an endemic, highly exploited and
threatened plant species in arid and semi-arid zones of West Africa. This study was …
threatened plant species in arid and semi-arid zones of West Africa. This study was …
Scenarios of land-use change in Sudano-sahelian countries of Africa to better understand driving forces
N Stephenne, EF Lambin - GeoJournal, 2004 - Springer
Dynamic simulation models allow an integrated representation of human and biophysical
driving forces, to test their influence on land use. Dynamic models emphasise the …
driving forces, to test their influence on land use. Dynamic models emphasise the …
Les ligneux à usage de bois d'énergie en région sahélienne du Burkina Faso: préférence des groupes ethniques
S Ganaba, JM Ouadba, O Bognounou - Science et changements planétaires …, 1999 -
Household fuelwood and charcoal needs (for the preparation of meals and tea) are fulfilled
by women in Oudalan, children in Séno and men in Yagha. These products are mainly …
by women in Oudalan, children in Séno and men in Yagha. These products are mainly …