Gender Equality in Science Classrooms: Examining the Implementation of Gender responsive Approach and its Impact on Science Education

PP Canuto, F Espique - International Journal of Learning, Teaching …, 2023 -
Gender-responsive education promotes gender equality at schools and can be attained by
addressing students' gender issues through gender responsiveness. In view of gender …

The evaluation of the programs of gender-responsive school in Yogyakarta

S Sudrajat, S Saliman… - Jurnal Penelitian dan …, 2022 -
The research aims to evaluate the implementation of the gender-responsive school program
in Yogyakarta. It is a descriptive evaluation using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) …

Pengembangan E-Modul Sistem Peredaran Darah Berbasis Gender untuk Kelas VIII MTs

DN Astuti, I Wigati, A Asnilawati - Jurnal Penelitian, Pendidikan …, 2023 -
Tujuan penelitian adalah menghasilkan e-modul sistem peredaran darah berbasis gender
sebagai bahan ajar alternatif untuk memotivasi dan meningkatkan minat belajar peserta …

The Implementation of Gender-Responsive Fiqh: A Study of Model Application of Women-Friendly and Child Care Village in Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

AM Anshor, MN Muttaqin - Justicia Islamica, 2022 -
Amid the gender-responsive movement, this study addresses issues in Islamic
jurisprudence (fiqh). This is because fiqh products appear unable to address contemporary …

Career woman: The dual roles conflict Management in the gender perspective

Y Yanti, N Usman, B Bahrun - PALASTREN: Jurnal Studi …, 2023 -
Human rights are something that is essential and should not be limited only for reasons that
refer to gender and social status, especially human rights for women in various aspects …

[PDF][PDF] Translating theory into practice: the gender and development training evaluations using the kirkpatrick's model

A San Jose - Available at SSRN, 2021 -
The aim of this study was not only to evaluate the participants' reactions, learning,
behavioral change, and applications of the Gender and Development (GAD) trainings they …

Exploring a Gender Equality-based Sex Education Model: Case of SMA Harapan Mandiri in Medan, North Sumatra

FHS Damanik, S Saliman - Sawwa: Jurnal Studi Gender, 2023 -
Pendidikan seks berbasis gender semakin penting di sekolah-sekolah, terutama di tingkat
sekolah menengah. Meskipun telah banyak model yang diteliti, pendidikan seks yang peka …

Development of Gender-Based E-Modules Assisted by Virtual Reality Technology on Green Chemistry Material

I Irmalasari, I Wigati, RY Pratiwi - International …, 2024 -
This study aims to determine the validity and students' response to gender-based e-modules
assisted by virtual reality on green chemistry material. The research method used is R&D …

[PDF][PDF] Justicia Islamica: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Sosial

AM Anshor, MN Muttaqin -
Amid the gender-responsive movement, this study attempts to address issues in Islamic
jurisprudence (fiqh). This is because fiqh products appear unable to address contemporary …