Machine learning-based thermal anomalies detection from MODIS LST associated with the Mw 7.7 Awaran, Pakistan earthquake

A Hafeez, M Ehsan, A Abbas, M Shah, R Shahzad - Natural Hazards, 2022 - Springer
Satellite based thermal anomaly occurs as a substantial precursor for strong earthquakes,
as the need for earthquake precursor detection has very important for impending main shock …

Earthquake ionospheric and atmospheric anomalies from GNSS TEC and other satellites

M Shah - Computers in Earth and environmental sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
There have been a rapid advancement in earthquake (EQ) anomalies in the atmosphere
and ionosphere from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Detection of Electro …

Performance of IRI 2016 model in predicting total electron content (TEC) compared with GPS-TEC over East Africa during 2019–2021

ED Sulungu - Scientific Reports, 2024 -
This study evaluated the applicability of IRI-2016 model in predicting GPS TEC using the
monthly means of the five (5) quiet days for equinoxes and solstices months. GPS-derived …

Seismo-ionospheric anomalies before the 2019 Mirpur earthquake from ionosonde measurements

J Ahmed, M Shah, M Awais, S **, WA Zafar… - Advances in Space …, 2022 - Elsevier
The rapid advancement in ground and space based ionospheric measurements provide an
opportunity to work on different earthquake precursors for lithosphere-ionosphere coupling …

Assessing the performance of IRI-2016 and IRI-2020 models using COSMIC-2 GNSS radio occultation TEC data under different magnetic activities over Egypt

A Sherif, M Rabah, AEK Mousa, A Zaki… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 -
Abstract Variations in Total Electron Content (TEC) between the COSMIC-2, IRI-2016, and
IRI-2020 are considered under different levels of geomagnetic storm activity: minor …

Performance analysis of IRI-2016 model TEC predictions over Northern and Southern Hemispheric IGS stations during descending phase of solar cycle 24

J de Dieu Nibigira, G Sivavaraprasad, DV Ratnam - Acta Geophysica, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Global Positioning System (GPS) is an effective tool for monitoring the Earth's
ionosphere. This paper concerns with temporal and spatial variations of ionospheric total …

[HTML][HTML] An Ambient Adaptive Global Navigation Satellite System Total Electron Content Predictive Model for Short-Term Rapid Geomagnetic Storm Events

R Filjar, I Heđi, J Prpić-Oršić, T Iliev - Remote sensing, 2024 -
Satellite navigation is an essential component of the national infrastructure. Space weather
and ionospheric conditions are the prime sources of GNSS (global navigation satellite …

Analysis of TEC values predicted by OKSM amongst low, mid and high latitude GPS stations during X 9.3 solar flare

S Kiruthiga, S Mythili, R Mukesh, M Vijay… - Astrophysics and Space …, 2021 - Springer
The primary descriptive quantity of the ionospheric regions of the Earth is the Total Electron
Content (TEC). This value is affected by erratic solar events such as solar flares and Coronal …

A Contribution to Short-Term Rapidly Develo** Geomagnetic Storm Classification for GNSS Ionosphere Effects Mitigation Model Development

R Filjar - 2021 Seventh International Conference on Aerospace …, 2021 -
The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) resilience against adverse space weather
effects has become the major research topic, as satellite navigation evolves to an essential …

Total Electron Content Variations at a Low Latitude East African Station and Its Comparison with IRI-2016, IRI-Plas2017 and NeQuick-2 Models during Solar Cycle 24

YO Kayode, D Okoh, E Onori, O Ometan, A Ogwala… - 2023 -
Ionospheric modelling is one of the most crucial approaches to study the activities of the
ionosphere particularly in regions where experimental data are not readily available. This …