Regulation of somatic embryogenesis in higher plants

X Yang, X Zhang - Critical Reviews in Plant Science, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Somatic embryogenesis is the developmental process by which somatic cells undergo
restructuring to generate embryogenic cells. These cells then go through a series of …

The cellular and molecular biology of conifer embryogenesis

J Cairney, GS Pullman - New phytologist, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Gymnosperms and angiosperms are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor c.
300 million yr ago. The manner in which gymnosperms and angiosperms form seeds has …

Unique Features of the Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Megagenome Revealed Through Sequence Annotation

JL Wegrzyn, JD Liechty, KA Stevens, LS Wu… - Genetics, 2014 -
The largest genus in the conifer family Pinaceae is Pinus, with over 100 species. The size
and complexity of their genomes (∼ 20–40 Gb, 2 n= 24) have delayed the arrival of a well …

Evolutionary history of the non-specific lipid transfer proteins

MM Edstam, L Viitanen, TA Salminen, J Edqvist - Molecular plant, 2011 -
The non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small, basic proteins characterized by a
tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, capable of transferring various lipid molecules between lipid …

Constitutive Overexpression of a Conifer WOX2 Homolog Affects Somatic Embryo Development in Pinus pinaster and Promotes Somatic Embryogenesis and Organogenesis in …

SB Hassani, JF Trontin, J Raschke… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 -
Although full sequence data of several embryogenesis-related genes are available in
conifers, their functions are still poorly understood. In this study, we focused on the …

A white spruce gene catalog for conifer genome analyses

P Rigault, B Boyle, P Lepage, JEK Cooke… - Plant …, 2011 -
Several angiosperm plant genomes, including Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), rice
(Oryza sativa), poplar (Populus trichocarpa), and grapevine (Vitis vinifera), have been …

Genome-wide identification of microRNAs in larch and stage-specific modulation of 11 conserved microRNAs and their targets during somatic embryogenesis

J Zhang, S Zhang, S Han, T Wu, X Li, W Li, L Qi - Planta, 2012 - Springer
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as essential regulators of biological processes. Somatic
embryogenesis is one of the most important techniques for gymnosperm-breeding …

Transcriptome mining, functional characterization, and phylogeny of a large terpene synthase gene family in spruce (Piceaspp.)

CI Keeling, S Weisshaar, SG Ralph, S Jancsik… - BMC plant biology, 2011 - Springer
Background In conifers, terpene synthases (TPSs) of the gymnosperm-specific TPS-d
subfamily form a diverse array of mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoid compounds, which are …

De novo assembly of maritime pine transcriptome: implications for forest breeding and biotechnology

J Canales, R Bautista, P Label… - Plant Biotechnology …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Maritime pine (P inus pinaster A it.) is a widely distributed conifer species in S outhwestern E
urope and one of the most advanced models for conifer research. In the current work …

[PDF][PDF] Recent progress in somatic embryogenesis of four Pinus spp

K Klimaszewska, JF Trontin, MR Becwar… - Tree For Sci …, 2007 -
Advances in conifer biotechnology offer new opportunities in the field of vegetative
propagation and genetic engineering. Development of clonal propagation methods …