Regulation of somatic embryogenesis in higher plants
X Yang, X Zhang - Critical Reviews in Plant Science, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Somatic embryogenesis is the developmental process by which somatic cells undergo
restructuring to generate embryogenic cells. These cells then go through a series of …
restructuring to generate embryogenic cells. These cells then go through a series of …
The cellular and molecular biology of conifer embryogenesis
J Cairney, GS Pullman - New phytologist, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Gymnosperms and angiosperms are thought to have evolved from a common ancestor c.
300 million yr ago. The manner in which gymnosperms and angiosperms form seeds has …
300 million yr ago. The manner in which gymnosperms and angiosperms form seeds has …
Unique Features of the Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) Megagenome Revealed Through Sequence Annotation
The largest genus in the conifer family Pinaceae is Pinus, with over 100 species. The size
and complexity of their genomes (∼ 20–40 Gb, 2 n= 24) have delayed the arrival of a well …
and complexity of their genomes (∼ 20–40 Gb, 2 n= 24) have delayed the arrival of a well …
Evolutionary history of the non-specific lipid transfer proteins
The non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small, basic proteins characterized by a
tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, capable of transferring various lipid molecules between lipid …
tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, capable of transferring various lipid molecules between lipid …
Constitutive Overexpression of a Conifer WOX2 Homolog Affects Somatic Embryo Development in Pinus pinaster and Promotes Somatic Embryogenesis and Organogenesis in …
SB Hassani, JF Trontin, J Raschke… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Although full sequence data of several embryogenesis-related genes are available in
conifers, their functions are still poorly understood. In this study, we focused on the …
conifers, their functions are still poorly understood. In this study, we focused on the …
A white spruce gene catalog for conifer genome analyses
Several angiosperm plant genomes, including Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), rice
(Oryza sativa), poplar (Populus trichocarpa), and grapevine (Vitis vinifera), have been …
(Oryza sativa), poplar (Populus trichocarpa), and grapevine (Vitis vinifera), have been …
Genome-wide identification of microRNAs in larch and stage-specific modulation of 11 conserved microRNAs and their targets during somatic embryogenesis
J Zhang, S Zhang, S Han, T Wu, X Li, W Li, L Qi - Planta, 2012 - Springer
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as essential regulators of biological processes. Somatic
embryogenesis is one of the most important techniques for gymnosperm-breeding …
embryogenesis is one of the most important techniques for gymnosperm-breeding …
Transcriptome mining, functional characterization, and phylogeny of a large terpene synthase gene family in spruce (Piceaspp.)
CI Keeling, S Weisshaar, SG Ralph, S Jancsik… - BMC plant biology, 2011 - Springer
Background In conifers, terpene synthases (TPSs) of the gymnosperm-specific TPS-d
subfamily form a diverse array of mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoid compounds, which are …
subfamily form a diverse array of mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoid compounds, which are …
De novo assembly of maritime pine transcriptome: implications for forest breeding and biotechnology
Maritime pine (P inus pinaster A it.) is a widely distributed conifer species in S outhwestern E
urope and one of the most advanced models for conifer research. In the current work …
urope and one of the most advanced models for conifer research. In the current work …
[PDF][PDF] Recent progress in somatic embryogenesis of four Pinus spp
K Klimaszewska, JF Trontin, MR Becwar… - Tree For Sci …, 2007 - researchgate.net
Advances in conifer biotechnology offer new opportunities in the field of vegetative
propagation and genetic engineering. Development of clonal propagation methods …
propagation and genetic engineering. Development of clonal propagation methods …