The superconducting diode effect

M Nadeem, MS Fuhrer, X Wang - Nature Reviews Physics, 2023 -
A superconducting diode enables supercurrent to flow in only one direction, providing new
functionalities for superconducting circuits. In recent years, there has been experimental …

Supercurrent diode effect and magnetochiral anisotropy in few-layer NbSe2

L Bauriedl, C Bäuml, L Fuchs, C Baumgartner… - Nature …, 2022 -
Nonreciprocal transport refers to charge transfer processes that are sensitive to the bias
polarity. Until recently, nonreciprocal transport was studied only in dissipative systems …

Josephson diode effect in supercurrent interferometers

RS Souto, M Leijnse, C Schrade - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
A Josephson diode is a nonreciprocal circuit element that supports a larger dissipationless
supercurrent in one direction than in the other. In this Letter, we propose a class of …

Josephson diode effect in high-mobility InSb nanoflags

B Turini, S Salimian, M Carrega, A Iorio, E Strambini… - Nano Letters, 2022 - ACS Publications
We report nonreciprocal dissipation-less transport in single ballistic InSb nanoflag
Josephson junctions. Applying an in-plane magnetic field, we observe an inequality in …

Tunable Josephson diode effect on the surface of topological insulators

B Lu, S Ikegaya, P Burset, Y Tanaka, N Nagaosa - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
The Josephson rectification effect, where the resistance is finite in one direction while zero in
the other, has been recently realized experimentally. The resulting Josephson diode has …

Nonreciprocal supercurrents in a field-free graphene Josephson triode

J Chiles, EG Arnault, CC Chen, TFQ Larson, L Zhao… - Nano Letters, 2023 - ACS Publications
Superconducting diodes are proposed nonreciprocal circuit elements that should exhibit
nondissipative transport in one direction while being resistive in the opposite direction …

[HTML][HTML] Non-reciprocity of vortex-limited critical current in conventional superconducting micro-bridges

D Suri, A Kamra, TNG Meier, M Kronseder… - Applied Physics …, 2022 -
Non-reciprocity in the critical current has been observed in a variety of superconducting
systems and has been called the superconducting diode effect. The origin underlying the …

Gate-tunable Josephson diode effect in Rashba spin-orbit coupled quantum dot junctions

D Debnath, P Dutta - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We theoretically explore the Josephson diode effect (JDE) in superconductor/quantum dot
(QD)/superconductor junction in the presence of a magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit …

Microwave-tunable diode effect in asymmetric SQUIDs with topological Josephson junctions

JJ Cuozzo, W Pan, J Shabani, E Rossi - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
In superconducting systems in which inversion and time-reversal symmetry are
simultaneously broken the critical current for positive and negative current bias can be …

From nonreciprocal to charge-4e supercurrent in Ge-based Josephson devices with tunable harmonic content

A Leblanc, C Tangchingchai, ZS Momtaz… - Physical Review …, 2024 - APS
Hybrid superconductor (S)-semiconductor (Sm) devices bring a range of functionalities into
superconducting circuits. In particular, hybrid parity-protected qubits and Josephson diodes …