Beyond a biased binary: a perspective on the misconceptions, challenges, and implications of studying females in avian behavioral endocrinology
For decades, avian endocrinology has been informed by male perspectives and male-
focused research, leaving significant gaps in our understanding of female birds. Male birds …
focused research, leaving significant gaps in our understanding of female birds. Male birds …
Scope and adaptive value of modulating aggression over breeding stages in a competitive female bird
In seasonally breeding animals, the costs and benefits of territorial aggression should vary
over time; however, little work thus far has directly examined the scope and adaptive value …
over time; however, little work thus far has directly examined the scope and adaptive value …
Bidirectional relationships between testosterone and aggression: a critical analysis of four predictions
Experimentally elevated testosterone (T) often leads to enhanced aggression, with
examples across many different species, including both males and females. Indeed, the …
examples across many different species, including both males and females. Indeed, the …
Brain transcriptomics of a social challenge and maternal aggression in incubating female tree swallows
Aggressive behavior is ubiquitous across many contexts, including defense of territories,
mates, and offspring. For decades, researchers have detailed the effect of aggressive …
mates, and offspring. For decades, researchers have detailed the effect of aggressive …
How a territorial challenge changes sex steroid-related gene networks in the female brain: A field experiment with the tree swallow
Territorial competition can stimulate secretion of testosterone (T), which is thought to act on
neural circuits of aggression to promote further aggression. Here, we test the hypothesis that …
neural circuits of aggression to promote further aggression. Here, we test the hypothesis that …
How experimental competition changes ovarian gene activity in free-living birds: implications for steroidogenesis, maternal effects, and beyond
The ovary plays an important role in mediating both a female's response to her social
environment and communicating it to her develo** offspring via maternal effects. Past …
environment and communicating it to her develo** offspring via maternal effects. Past …
Maternal social environment shapes yolk testosterone allocation and embryonic neural gene expression in tree swallows
Offspring from females breeding in competitive social environments are often exposed to
more testosterone (T) during embryonic development, which can affect traits from growth to …
more testosterone (T) during embryonic development, which can affect traits from growth to …
Social signal manipulation and environmental challenges have independent effects on physiology, internal microbiome, and reproductive performance in tree …
The social environment that individuals experience appears to be a particularly salient
mediator of stress resilience, as the nature and valence of social interactions are often …
mediator of stress resilience, as the nature and valence of social interactions are often …
Elizabeth M. George, Sarah E. Wolf, Alexandra B. Bentz, Kimberly A. Rosvall
CF BIRD - … : HOW EVOLUTION HAS SHAPED SOCIAL AND …, 2021 - search.proquest.com
Competitive interactions often occur in series; therefore animals may respond to social
challenges in ways that prepare them for success in future conflict. Changes in the …
challenges in ways that prepare them for success in future conflict. Changes in the …