A review of vibration-based techniques for helicopter transmission diagnostics

PD Samuel, DJ Pines - Journal of sound and vibration, 2005 - Elsevier
Over the past 25 years, much research has been devoted to the development of Health and
Usage Monitoring (HUM) systems for rotorcraft gearbox and drivetrain components. The …

Stream-of-variation theory for automotive body assembly

SJ Hu, Y Koren - CIRP Annals, 1997 - Elsevier
Manufacturing systems usually consist of processes and machines in a multi-leveled
hierarchy. As a result, dimensional variation in the final product is accumulated as the …

Dimensional fault diagnosis for compliant beam structure assemblies

Q Rong, D Ceglarek, J Shi - J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., 2000 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A model-based diagnostic methodology is proposed for the dimensional fault diagnosis of
compliant beam structures in automotive or aerospace assembly processes. In the diagnosis …

On-line tool breakage detection in turning: A multi-sensor method

J Colgan, H Chin, K Danai, SR Hayashi - 1994 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A multi-sensor tool breakage detection system is introduced that characterizes the state of
measurements during normal (no-fault) condition and at tool breakage by the two columns of …

Quadratic and instantaneous frequency analysis of helicopter gearbox faults

BC Schwartz, DL Jones - Mechanical systems and signal processing, 2000 - Elsevier
Preventive maintenance is a significant cost associated with the use of helicopters. Recent
efforts have focused on changing maintenance from periodic inspection to condition-based …

Error sensitivity analysis and precision distribution for multi-operation machining processes based on error propagation model

X Zuo, B Li, J Yang - The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing …, 2016 - Springer
The error control and distribution of multi-operational machining processes is an active and
important research topic in manufacturing. Most of the recent studies focus on statistical …

A fault detection method for unknown systems with unknown input and its application to hydraulic turbine monitoring

H Wang, S Daley - International Journal of Control, 1993 - Taylor & Francis
Based on a recently developed approach to the design of unknown input observers, this
paper presents a fault detection method for unknown systems with unknown input. By …

Machine tool monitoring and control

K Danai - The mechanical systems design handbook, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Machine tool monitoring and control are essential for automated manufacturing. Monitoring
is necessary for detection of a process anomaly to prevent machine damage by stop** the …

A method of fault signature extraction for improved diagnosis

H Chin, K Danai - 1991 American Control Conference, 1991 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Efficient extraction of fault signatures from sensory data is a major concern in fault diagnosis.
This paper introduces a self-tuning method of fault signature extraction that enhances fault …

Fault detection of helicopter gearboxes using the multi-valued influence matrix method

H Chin, K Danai, DG Lewicki - 1993 - ntrs.nasa.gov
In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of a pattern classifying fault detection system
that is designed to cope with the variability of fault signatures inherent in helicopter …