Boron‐doped diamond for hydroxyl radical and sulfate radical anion electrogeneration, transformation, and voltage‐free sustainable oxidation

J Cai, T Niu, P Shi, G Zhao - Small, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Boron‐doped diamond‐based electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (BDD‐
EAOPs) have attracted much attention. However, few systematic studies concerning the …

Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 with a new recycling micro-nano bubble oxidation-absorption process based on HA-Na

Z **ao, D Li, F Wang, Z Sun, Z Lin - Separation and Purification Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
Wet oxidation-absorption is a promising process for flue gas desulfurization and denitration
due to its simple system and high removal efficiency. In comparison to the ordinary bubbles …

Exploring the mechanism of peroxodisulfate activation with silver metavanadate to generate abundant reactive oxygen species

AK Singh, D Hollmann, M Schwarze… - Advanced …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) containing sulfate and hydroxyl radicals can act as Fenton
type reagents to remove organic contaminants from water. Here, a catalytic system silver …

Modeling Studies of Inhomogeneity Effects during Laser Flash Photolysis Experiments: A Reaction–Diffusion Approach

É Dóka, G Lente - The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017 - ACS Publications
This work presents a rigorous mathematical study of the effect of unavoidable
inhomogeneities in laser flash photolysis experiments. There are two different kinds of …

Analytical solutions for the rate equations of irreversible two-step consecutive processes with second order later steps

G Lente - Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2015 - Springer
Analytical solutions are presented for four consecutive two-step kinetic schemes, which
involve a first reaction with zeroth, first, second or mixed second order dependence and a …

Ag 2 S 2 O 8 meets AgSO 4: the second example of metal–ligand redox isomerism among inorganic systems

TE Gilewski, PJ Leszczyński, A Budzianowski… - Dalton …, 2016 -
Valence (redox) isomerism based on electron exchange between a metal and a ligand is
immensely rare in purely inorganic systems, with only one documented case, that of PbS2 …

Reductive dehalogenation and formation of sulfonated quinones in the aqueous reactions between various chloro-1, 4-benzoquinones and sulfur (IV)

V Kiss, Á Kecskeméti, BM Hülvely… - Journal of Sulfur …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, the kinetic study of the reaction between substituted 1, 4-benzoquinones
(RBQs) and Na2SO3 (S (IV)) is presented in aqueous solutions at different pH values and …

1, 4-Benzokinonok fény és kén (IV) jelenlétében lejátszódó reakciói

V Kiss - 2018 -
Kutatómunkám mozgatórugója az volt, hogy az 1, 4-benzokinonok fotokémiai és redoxi
tulajdonságait tanulmányozzam, mivel ezen vegyületeknek fontos szerepe lehet a jövőben a …