[HTML][HTML] Femtosecond laser precision engineering: from micron, submicron, to nanoscale
As a noncontact strategy with flexible tools and high efficiency, laser precision engineering
is a significant advanced processing way for high-quality micro-/nanostructure fabrication …
is a significant advanced processing way for high-quality micro-/nanostructure fabrication …
Refractive index less than two: photonic nanojets yesterday, today and tomorrow
Materials with relatively small refractive indices (n< 2), such as glass, quartz, polymers,
some ceramics, etc., are the basic materials in most optical components (lenses, optical …
some ceramics, etc., are the basic materials in most optical components (lenses, optical …
Subwavelength optical engineering with metasurface waves
X Luo - Advanced Optical Materials, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
As artificial 2D materials made of subwavelength inclusions, metasurfaces bear exotic
optical and electromagnetic properties not obtainable in naturally occurring materials. Based …
optical and electromagnetic properties not obtainable in naturally occurring materials. Based …
Planar diffractive lenses: fundamentals, functionalities, and applications
Traditional objective lenses in modern microscopy, based on the refraction of light, are
restricted by the Rayleigh diffraction limit. The existing methods to overcome this limit can be …
restricted by the Rayleigh diffraction limit. The existing methods to overcome this limit can be …
Extraordinary optical fields in nanostructures: from sub-diffraction-limited optics to sensing and energy conversion
Along with the rapid development of micro/nanofabrication technology, the past few decades
have seen the flourishing emergence of subwavelength-structured materials and interfaces …
have seen the flourishing emergence of subwavelength-structured materials and interfaces …
[HTML][HTML] Optical microsphere nano-imaging: progress and challenges
The optical diffraction effect imposes a radical obstacle preventing conventional optical
microscopes from achieving an imaging resolution beyond the Abbe diffraction limit and …
microscopes from achieving an imaging resolution beyond the Abbe diffraction limit and …
All-dielectric concentration of electromagnetic fields at the nanoscale: the role of photonic nanojets
The photonic nanojet (PNJ) is a narrow high-energy beam that was originally found on the
back side of all-dielectric spherical structures. It is a unique type of energy concentration …
back side of all-dielectric spherical structures. It is a unique type of energy concentration …
Nanopatterning with photonic nanojets: review and perspectives in biomedical research
Nanostructured surfaces and devices offer astounding possibilities for biomedical research,
including cellular and molecular biology, diagnostics, and therapeutics. However, the wide …
including cellular and molecular biology, diagnostics, and therapeutics. However, the wide …
Inflection point: a perspective on photonic nanojets
When light propagates through the edge or middle part of a microparticle's incoming
interface, there is a basic rule that light converges and diverges rapidly or slowly at the …
interface, there is a basic rule that light converges and diverges rapidly or slowly at the …
Merging plasmonics and metamaterials by two-dimensional subwavelength structures
As one of the major fields of photonics in the last few decades, plasmonics takes advantage
of the coupling of light and free electrons in noble metals, and allows the localization of light …
of the coupling of light and free electrons in noble metals, and allows the localization of light …