LGBTQ+ parenting: An interpretative review of Latin American literature from an occupational science perspective
R Morrison, CT Cirineu, D Lagos-Cerón… - Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Context: Parenting has been studied by a number of occupational scientists. However,
within this field, LGBTQ+ parenting has not been studied in depth, and even less in the Latin …
within this field, LGBTQ+ parenting has not been studied in depth, and even less in the Latin …
Ejercicio de la parentalidad en personas LGBTQ+: Una revisión interpretativa de literatura latinoamericana desde la ciencia ocupacional
R Morrison, CT Cirineu, D Lagos-Cerón… - Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Contexto: El ejercicio de la parentalidad ha sido estudiada por diferentes científicas/os
ocupacionales. Sin embargo, dentro de este campo no se ha profundizado en el estudio de …
ocupacionales. Sin embargo, dentro de este campo no se ha profundizado en el estudio de …
Heteronormative representations of the family and parenting in public policies: Implications for LGBTIQ+ families
R Morrison, S Gallardo, F Parra Fuster - Social Sciences, 2023 - mdpi.com
This research analyzes the discourse of the Chilean State Program:“Chile Crece Contigo”, a
program aimed at supporting the upbringing of children. We wonder about representation in …
program aimed at supporting the upbringing of children. We wonder about representation in …
Parenting Aspirations of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Childless Individuals in Ecuador
The desire to have children holds profound significance for many individuals and couples.
This study aimed to explore the parenting aspirations of 409 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and …
This study aimed to explore the parenting aspirations of 409 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and …
What's all the Buzz about?:'Lightyear'and the attitudes toward homosexuality and same-sex parenting on social media in Ecuador
C Hermosa-Bosano… - Revista Latina de …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Introduction: The study of attitudes towards homosexuality and same-sex parenting has
employed multiple strategies to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. In this article …
employed multiple strategies to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. In this article …
Bi-Invisibility in Academia; the Intentional and Accidental Erasure of Bi+ Parents in Research and Recommendations for Future Research
E Davenport-Pleasance - Journal of Bisexuality, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
It is incredibly common for research focusing on bi+ populations generally, and bi+ parents
specifically, to cite a lack of research as a reason for their own study. However, few papers …
specifically, to cite a lack of research as a reason for their own study. However, few papers …
¿ Por qué tanto escándalo?:'Lightyear'y las actitudes hacia la homosexualidad y la homoparentalidad en redes sociales de Ecuador
Introducción: El estudio de las actitudes hacia la homosexualidad y homoparentalidad ha
empleado múltiples mecanismos para recolectar y analizar datos cuantitativos y cualitativos …
empleado múltiples mecanismos para recolectar y analizar datos cuantitativos y cualitativos …
“A Lesser of Two Evils”: Arguments Around Same-Sex Parenting Rights in University Students' Discourse in the Republic of Cyprus
Introduction While there is extensive quantitative research on factors related to
support/opposition of attitudes towards same-sex parenting (SSP), relevant qualitative …
support/opposition of attitudes towards same-sex parenting (SSP), relevant qualitative …
[HTML][HTML] The future of Same-sex marriage in India–An analysis with other countries
S Kuttappan, DK Tiwana - Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2025 - Elsevier
A marriage is considered to be holy, whether sacrament or contract. Same-sex marriage is
the practice of marriage among two men or two women. There has been both strong support …
the practice of marriage among two men or two women. There has been both strong support …
Cuidate mija: power in everyday discourses about adolescent pregnancy in urban Ecuador
C Ortega - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Adolescent pregnancy is a phenomenon which is heavily contested by local, national, and
international entities. Problematically, the topic is predominantly referred to as a “social …
international entities. Problematically, the topic is predominantly referred to as a “social …