Silvopasture in the USA: A systematic review of natural resource professional and producer-reported benefits, challenges, and management activities

MM Smith, G Bentrup, T Kellerman… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2022 - Elsevier
Silvopasture is the deliberate integration of trees, forage, and grazing livestock on the same
piece of land. These agroecosystems are intensively managed for multiple benefits …

Silvopastures: Benefits, past efforts, challenges, and future prospects in the United States

S Poudel, G Pent, J Fike - Agronomy, 2024 -
The global human population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, increasing the
demand for food and fiber, but also raising concerns about the environmental impact of …

Local knowledge and relational values of Midwestern woody perennial polyculture farmers can inform tree‐crop policies

M Kreitzman, M Chapman, KO Keeley… - People and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Agricultural producers, academics and policy‐makers are increasingly interested in
multifunctional tree crop systems as a solution for maintaining ecosystem services and …

Alley crop** practices

HEG Garrett, KJ Wolz, WDD Walter… - North American …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Alley crop** is defined as the planting of crops between widely spaced rows of trees. Tree–
crop combinations in alley crop** are developed with both production and ecological …

Woody perennial polycultures in the US Midwest enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions

M Kreitzman, H Eyster, M Mitchell, A Czajewska… - …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Given the massive and growing environmental impacts of conventional agriculture, humanity
needs new methods for growing food that not only meet dietary needs but also provide for …

Promoting cocoa agroforestry under conditions of separated ownership of land and trees: Strengthening customary tenure institutions in Cameroon

AJJ Folefack, D Darr - Land Use Policy, 2021 - Elsevier
Formal and customary land tenure can encourage the adoption of sustainable land
management practices. Yet, certain forms of customary land tenure can deter farmers from …

Unraveling the role of informal mutual aid networks in maintaining urban farms in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo

M Kesonga Nsele, T Dogot, K Maréchal - Frontiers in Sustainable …, 2023 -
Introduction The multiple constraints of urban agriculture have prompted farmers in
Lubumbashi to turn to informal mutual aid networks. The survey data collected from 88 …

Farming with trees; reforming US farm policy to expand agroforestry and mitigate climate change

L Chenyang, A Currie, H Darrin, N Rosenberg - Ecology LQ, 2021 - HeinOnline
General Sherman is a giant sequoia in California-the world's largest tree and the oldest of its
kind. 3 Reaching 275 feet above ground, its red bark gives way at the trunk to a small cavern …

Diversity of farmland management practices (FMP) and their nexus to environment: A review

YD Zangue, R Melot, P Martin - Journal of Environmental Management, 2022 - Elsevier
We examined the environmental impacts of farmland management practices (FMPs),
considering FMPs as frequent or single actions that change both land use AND use rights …

Combining silvopastoral systems with forest conservation: The caíva system in the Araucaria Forest, Southern Brazil

AL Hanisch, RRB Negrelle, ALG Monteiro… - Agroforestry …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract In Southern Brazil, caívas, agroforestry systems within patches of Araucaria Forest
that include cattle production, have been used historically throughout the region. Despite …