Effects of inorganic cations and organic polymers on the physicochemical properties and microfabrics of kaolinite suspensions
X Kang, Z **/links/573a265608ae9ace840dc7ca/Sand-Screen-Design-and-Optimization-for-Horizontal-Wells-Using-Reservoir-Grain-Size-Distribution-Map**.pdf" data-clk="hl=ro&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=2&d=11565794861967731211&ei=dDTHZ97zLMSPieoPg8jg0A0" data-clk-atid="C-qfFCb1gaAJ" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Sand screen design and optimization for horizontal wells using reservoir grain size distribution map**
The primary goal of screen design for steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) operations is
to prevent the entrance of the poorly or unconsolidated sand into the production flow stream …
to prevent the entrance of the poorly or unconsolidated sand into the production flow stream …
Estimation of 3-D hydraulic conductivity fields from fictive grain-size distributions derived from 3-D geological modeling
A Albarrán-Ordás, K Zosseder - Hydrogeology Journal, 2024 - Springer
Hydraulic conductivity (K) is a crucial parameter in hydrogeology but is highly
heterogeneous and anisotropic due to variations in sediment texture, making its large-scale …
heterogeneous and anisotropic due to variations in sediment texture, making its large-scale …
Multifunctional Stimulation of Gas Wells Operating in Gas Cap over a Depleted Oil Reservoir
I Lakatos, G Lakatos-Szabo, G Szentes… - … and Exhibition on …, 2016 - onepetro.org
The primary aim of the research project was to develop an efficient technology to control
excessive water production in gas wells. As a novelty, water sensitive petroleum-based …
excessive water production in gas wells. As a novelty, water sensitive petroleum-based …
Modelling particle-size distributions from operator estimates of sediment particle-size
S Roberson, GJ Weltje - Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 2015 - cambridge.org
Estimates of particle-size made by operators in the field and laboratory represent a vast and
relatively untapped data archive. The wide spatial distribution of particle-size estimates …
relatively untapped data archive. The wide spatial distribution of particle-size estimates …