[HTML][HTML] Microfinance institutions fostering sustainable development by region
In the last few years, considerable attention has been paid to microfinance as a relevant
participant in the formal financial system, whose target audience is people who are …
participant in the formal financial system, whose target audience is people who are …
“It'sa case of access.” The problematics of accessing research participants
DL Amundsen, MS Msoroka, B Findsen - 2017 - researchcommons.waikato.ac.nz
The problematics of accessing res participants have been largely under-stated in the
education research literature. This article discusses two case studies which illustrate the …
education research literature. This article discusses two case studies which illustrate the …
Toward understanding the dynamics of the relationship between religion, entrepreneurship and social change: empirical findings from technology-savvy African …
Despite increasing interest in the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship, extant
studies have failed to provide a clear explanation of this interdependence at the individual …
studies have failed to provide a clear explanation of this interdependence at the individual …
The experience of applying a narrative research approach with female entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka
The area of female entrepreneurship has recently received considerable attention, which is
dominated by quantitative studies. However, the narrative methodology approach offers the …
dominated by quantitative studies. However, the narrative methodology approach offers the …
Safeguarding in international development research: Evidence review
This evidence review, undertaken in March-April 2019 by a team led by Dr David Orr at the
University of Sussex, aims to? characterise? the nature of safeguarding issues? and …
University of Sussex, aims to? characterise? the nature of safeguarding issues? and …
Challenges in accessing research sites in Ghana: A research note
Purpose Despite the crucial role of gaining access for successful research in social and
management studies, very little has been written on issues and challenges associated with …
management studies, very little has been written on issues and challenges associated with …
[ספר][B] Parents' perspectives and practices around the schooling of children in rural Northern Nigeria
B Oyinloye - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Parental involvement–parents' commitment of resources to children's schooling–has
received significant scholarly attention in highly industrialized contexts. However, less …
received significant scholarly attention in highly industrialized contexts. However, less …
[ספר][B] Tourism Ethnographies
H Andrews, T Jimura, L Dixon - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
How is ethnography practiced in the context of tourism? As a multi-and interdisciplinary area
of academic enquiry, the use of ethnography to study tourism is found in an increasingly …
of academic enquiry, the use of ethnography to study tourism is found in an increasingly …
[ספר][B] Exploring millennial retention strategies and methods in the workplace
AM Simmons - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Many US organizations fail to retain Millennials for longer than 3 years. The purpose of this
case study was to explore the strategies and methods leaders have used to retain Millennial …
case study was to explore the strategies and methods leaders have used to retain Millennial …
The Income Augmenting and Budget Tightening Impacts of Microfinance: Theory and Evidence from Pakistan
Since the institutionalization of microcredit as the flagship poverty alleviation program, its
potential has been under constant scrutiny by practitioners and researchers. This article …
potential has been under constant scrutiny by practitioners and researchers. This article …