Strategic human resource management, human capital and competitive advantage: is the field going in circles?
The resource‐based view (RBV) of the firm has been consistently used as a backdrop in
strategic human resource management (SHRM) research and has the potential to bridge the …
strategic human resource management (SHRM) research and has the potential to bridge the …
Pay, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance, and creativity in the workplace: Revisiting long-held beliefs
The role of compensation or extrinsic rewards, including pay for performance (PFP), has
received relatively little attention in the organizational behavior/psychology literature on …
received relatively little attention in the organizational behavior/psychology literature on …
[KNJIGA][B] Beyond the periphery of the skin: Rethinking, remaking, and reclaiming the body in contemporary capitalism
S Federici - 2020 - books.google.com
More than ever,“the body” is today at the center of radical and institutional politics. Feminist,
antiracist, trans, ecological movements—all look at the body in its manifold manifestations as …
antiracist, trans, ecological movements—all look at the body in its manifold manifestations as …
Organizational climate and culture
B Schneider, MG Ehrhart… - Annual review of …, 2013 - annualreviews.org
Organizational climate and organizational culture theory and research are reviewed. The
article is first framed with definitions of the constructs, and preliminary thoughts on their …
article is first framed with definitions of the constructs, and preliminary thoughts on their …
[KNJIGA][B] The dark side of transformational leadership: A critical perspective
D Tourish - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Most research into leadership has presented leaders as heroic, charismatic and
transformational 'visionaries'. The leader, whether in business, politics or any other field, is …
transformational 'visionaries'. The leader, whether in business, politics or any other field, is …
The paradox of meritocracy in organizations
EJ Castilla, S Benard - Administrative science quarterly, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, we develop and empirically test the theoretical argument that when an
organizational culture promotes meritocracy (compared with when it does not), managers in …
organizational culture promotes meritocracy (compared with when it does not), managers in …
Unintended consequences of being proactive? Linking proactive personality to coworker envy, hel**, and undermining, and the moderating role of prosocial …
Drawing upon social comparison theory, we developed and tested a model to examine
potential negative coworker reactions toward proactive employees. We theorized that a focal …
potential negative coworker reactions toward proactive employees. We theorized that a focal …
Motivations and solution appropriateness in crowdsourcing challenges for innovation
OA Acar - Research Policy, 2019 - Elsevier
Crowdsourcing challenges are fast emerging as an effective tool for solving complex
innovation problems. The main strength of the crowdsourcing model is that it brings together …
innovation problems. The main strength of the crowdsourcing model is that it brings together …
[KNJIGA][B] Industrial/organizational psychology: An applied approach
MG Aamodt - 2016 - thuvienso.hoasen.edu.vn
The book guides students in analyzing topics such as resume writing, interview survival, job
description authoring, performance appraisal, employment law, job satisfaction, work …
description authoring, performance appraisal, employment law, job satisfaction, work …
[KNJIGA][B] Managing customer experience and relationships: A strategic framework
D Peppers, M Rogers - 2016 - books.google.com
Boost profits, margins, and customer loyalty with more effective CRM strategy Managing
Customer Experience and Relationships, Third Edition positions the customer as central to …
Customer Experience and Relationships, Third Edition positions the customer as central to …