[HTML][HTML] The role of infrequently mobile boulders in modulating landscape evolution and geomorphic hazards
A landscape's sediment grain size distribution is the product of, and an important influence
on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the …
on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the …
Evolution of debris‐flow initiation mechanisms and sediment sources during a sequence of postwildfire rainstorms
Wildfire alters vegetation cover and soil hydrologic properties, substantially increasing the
likelihood of debris flows in steep watersheds. Our understanding of initiation mechanisms …
likelihood of debris flows in steep watersheds. Our understanding of initiation mechanisms …
[HTML][HTML] The current and future role of biota in soil-landscape evolution models
X Meng, AM Kooijman, AJAM Temme… - Earth-Science …, 2022 - Elsevier
Biota are major drivers of geomorphological development. Vegetation and soil fauna act as
ecosystem engineers, changing the environment through physical structures and individual …
ecosystem engineers, changing the environment through physical structures and individual …
The seismic signature of debris flows: Flow mechanics and early warning at Montecito, California
Debris flows are concentrated slurries of water and sediment that shape the landscape and
pose a major hazard to human life and infrastructure. Seismic ground motion‐based …
pose a major hazard to human life and infrastructure. Seismic ground motion‐based …
[HTML][HTML] Dry sediment loading of headwater channels fuels post-wildfire debris flows in bedrock landscapes
Landscapes following wildfire commonly have significant increases in sediment yield and
debris flows that pose major hazards and are difficult to predict. Ultimately, post-wildfire …
debris flows that pose major hazards and are difficult to predict. Ultimately, post-wildfire …
Decreasing landslide erosion on steeper slopes in soil‐mantled landscapes
Slope‐stability models predict that steeper hillslopes require smaller hydrological triggers for
shallow landslides to occur due to the added downslope pull of gravity, which should result …
shallow landslides to occur due to the added downslope pull of gravity, which should result …
Initiation and runout of post‐seismic debris flows: insights from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake
Post‐seismic debris flows are an important hazard following large earthquakes, propagating
destruction downstream from hillslopes where coseismic landslides occur and extending …
destruction downstream from hillslopes where coseismic landslides occur and extending …
Drainage area, bedrock fracture spacing, and weathering controls on landscape‐scale patterns in surface sediment grain size
Sediment grain size links sediment production, weathering, and fining from fractured
bedrock on hillslopes to river incision and landscape relief. Yet models of sediment grain …
bedrock on hillslopes to river incision and landscape relief. Yet models of sediment grain …
Multi‐stage soil‐hydraulic recovery and limited ravel accumulations following the 2017 Nuns and Tubbs wildfires in Northern California
JP Perkins, C Diaz, SC Corbett… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Wildfire can impact soil‐hydraulic properties by reducing saturated hydraulic conductivity
and sorptivity, making recently burned landscapes prone to debris flows and flash floods …
and sorptivity, making recently burned landscapes prone to debris flows and flash floods …
Bedrock fracture density controls on hillslope erodibility in steep, rocky landscapes with patchy soil cover, southern California, USA
Although many steep landscapes comprise a patchwork of soil-mantled and bare-bedrock
hillslopes, models typically assume hillslopes are entirely soil-mantled or bare-bedrock …
hillslopes, models typically assume hillslopes are entirely soil-mantled or bare-bedrock …