Remote sensing of earth's energy budget: Synthesis and review
The Earth's climate is largely determined by its energy budget. Since the 1960s, satellite
remote sensing has been used in estimating these energy budget components at both the …
remote sensing has been used in estimating these energy budget components at both the …
Understanding snow hydrological processes through the lens of stable water isotopes
Snowfall may have different stable isotopic compositions compared with rainfall, allowing its
contribution to potentially be tracked through the hydrological cycle. This review summarizes …
contribution to potentially be tracked through the hydrological cycle. This review summarizes …
Changing state of the climate system
2 Chapter 2 assesses observed large-scale changes in climate system drivers, key climate
indicators and 3 principal modes of variability. Chapter 3 considers model performance and …
indicators and 3 principal modes of variability. Chapter 3 considers model performance and …
Polar regions
This chapter assesses the state of physical, biological and social knowledge concerning the
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
The global land surface satellite (GLASS) product suite
The Global Land Surface Satellite (GLASS) product suite currently contains 12 products,
including leaf area index, fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, fraction of …
including leaf area index, fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, fraction of …
[HTML][HTML] Hotspots of snow cover changes in global mountain regions over 2000–2018
C Notarnicola - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020 - Elsevier
Quantification of snow cover changes and related phenology in global mountain areas has
not been consistently addressed, despite the well-known importance of the snow in this …
not been consistently addressed, despite the well-known importance of the snow in this …
Satellite observed spatiotemporal variability of snow cover and snow phenology over high mountain Asia from 2002 to 2021
Z Tang, G Deng, G Hu, H Zhang, H Pan, G Sang - Journal of hydrology, 2022 - Elsevier
Accurate understanding the spatiotemporal variability of snow cover and snow phenology
over High Mountain Asia (HMA) is of great interest because of their vital impacts on the …
over High Mountain Asia (HMA) is of great interest because of their vital impacts on the …
Overall negative trends for snow cover extent and duration in global mountain regions over 1982–2020
C Notarnicola - Scientific reports, 2022 - nature.com
Notwithstanding the large availability of data and models, a consistent picture of the snow
cover extent and duration changes in global mountain areas is lacking for long-term trends …
cover extent and duration changes in global mountain areas is lacking for long-term trends …
Cross-dimensional feature attention aggregation network for cloud and snow recognition of high satellite images
K Hu, E Zhang, M **a, H Wang, X Ye, H Lin - Neural Computing and …, 2024 - Springer
Cloud and snow in remote sensing images typically block the underlying surface information
and interfere with the extraction of available information, so detecting cloud and snow …
and interfere with the extraction of available information, so detecting cloud and snow …
[PDF][PDF] Polar regions. chapter 3, ipcc special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate
This chapter assesses the state of physical, biological and social knowledge concerning the
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …