Probabilistic genoty** software: an overview
The interpretation of mixed profiles from DNA evidentiary material is one of the more
challenging duties of the forensic scientist. Traditionally, analysts have used a “binary” …
challenging duties of the forensic scientist. Traditionally, analysts have used a “binary” …
Forensic trace DNA: a review
RAH Van Oorschot, KN Ballantyne, RJ Mitchell - Investigative genetics, 2010 - Springer
DNA analysis is frequently used to acquire information from biological material to aid
enquiries associated with criminal offences, disaster victim identification and missing …
enquiries associated with criminal offences, disaster victim identification and missing …
The interpretation of single source and mixed DNA profiles
A method for interpreting autosomal mixed DNA profiles based on continuous modelling of
peak heights is described. MCMC is applied with a model for allelic and stutter heights to …
peak heights is described. MCMC is applied with a model for allelic and stutter heights to …
[KNIHA][B] Weight-of-evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles
DJ Balding, CD Steele - 2015 - books.google.com
DNA evidence is widely used in the modern justice system. Statistical methodology plays a
key role in ensuring that this evidence is collected, interpreted, analysed and presented …
key role in ensuring that this evidence is collected, interpreted, analysed and presented …
[KNIHA][B] Forensic biology: identification and DNA analysis of biological evidence
R Li - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Designed as an accessible introduction to basic scientific principles and their application in
professional practice, Forensic Biology provides a concise overview of the field. Focusing …
professional practice, Forensic Biology provides a concise overview of the field. Focusing …
[PDF][PDF] Validity of low copy number ty** and applications to forensic science
B Budowle, AJ Eisenberg, A Daal - Croatian medical journal, 2009 - hrcak.srce.hr
DNA ty** has become a mainstay in the characterization of forensic biological evidence
which allows analyses of a wide range of biological materials for direct and indirect (or …
which allows analyses of a wide range of biological materials for direct and indirect (or …
Interpreting low template DNA profiles
We discuss the interpretation of DNA profiles obtained from low template DNA samples. The
most important challenge to interpretation in this setting arises when either or both of “drop …
most important challenge to interpretation in this setting arises when either or both of “drop …
Genoty** and interpretation of STR-DNA: Low-template, mixtures and database matches—Twenty years of research and development
Abstract The introduction of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA was a revolution within a
revolution that transformed forensic DNA profiling into a tool that could be used, for the first …
revolution that transformed forensic DNA profiling into a tool that could be used, for the first …
[HTML][HTML] A Review of Probabilistic Genoty** Systems: EuroForMix, DNAStatistX and STRmix™
Probabilistic genoty** has become widespread. EuroForMix and DNAStatistX are both
based upon maximum likelihood estimation using a γ model, whereas STRmix™ is a …
based upon maximum likelihood estimation using a γ model, whereas STRmix™ is a …
A new methodological framework to interpret complex DNA profiles using likelihood ratios
Although likelihood ratio (LR) based methods to analyse complex mixtures of two or more
individuals, that exhibit the twin phenomena of drop-out and drop-in has been in the public …
individuals, that exhibit the twin phenomena of drop-out and drop-in has been in the public …