Probabilistic genoty** software: an overview

MD Coble, JA Bright - Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2019 - Elsevier
The interpretation of mixed profiles from DNA evidentiary material is one of the more
challenging duties of the forensic scientist. Traditionally, analysts have used a “binary” …

Forensic trace DNA: a review

RAH Van Oorschot, KN Ballantyne, RJ Mitchell - Investigative genetics, 2010 - Springer
DNA analysis is frequently used to acquire information from biological material to aid
enquiries associated with criminal offences, disaster victim identification and missing …

The interpretation of single source and mixed DNA profiles

D Taylor, JA Bright, J Buckleton - Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2013 - Elsevier
A method for interpreting autosomal mixed DNA profiles based on continuous modelling of
peak heights is described. MCMC is applied with a model for allelic and stutter heights to …

[KNIHA][B] Weight-of-evidence for Forensic DNA Profiles

DJ Balding, CD Steele - 2015 -
DNA evidence is widely used in the modern justice system. Statistical methodology plays a
key role in ensuring that this evidence is collected, interpreted, analysed and presented …

[KNIHA][B] Forensic biology: identification and DNA analysis of biological evidence

R Li - 2008 -
Designed as an accessible introduction to basic scientific principles and their application in
professional practice, Forensic Biology provides a concise overview of the field. Focusing …

[PDF][PDF] Validity of low copy number ty** and applications to forensic science

B Budowle, AJ Eisenberg, A Daal - Croatian medical journal, 2009 -
DNA ty** has become a mainstay in the characterization of forensic biological evidence
which allows analyses of a wide range of biological materials for direct and indirect (or …

Interpreting low template DNA profiles

DJ Balding, J Buckleton - Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2009 - Elsevier
We discuss the interpretation of DNA profiles obtained from low template DNA samples. The
most important challenge to interpretation in this setting arises when either or both of “drop …

Genoty** and interpretation of STR-DNA: Low-template, mixtures and database matches—Twenty years of research and development

P Gill, H Haned, O Bleka, O Hansson, G Dørum… - Forensic Science …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The introduction of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA was a revolution within a
revolution that transformed forensic DNA profiling into a tool that could be used, for the first …

[HTML][HTML] A Review of Probabilistic Genoty** Systems: EuroForMix, DNAStatistX and STRmix™

P Gill, C Benschop, J Buckleton, Ø Bleka, D Taylor - Genes, 2021 -
Probabilistic genoty** has become widespread. EuroForMix and DNAStatistX are both
based upon maximum likelihood estimation using a γ model, whereas STRmix™ is a …

A new methodological framework to interpret complex DNA profiles using likelihood ratios

P Gill, H Haned - Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2013 - Elsevier
Although likelihood ratio (LR) based methods to analyse complex mixtures of two or more
individuals, that exhibit the twin phenomena of drop-out and drop-in has been in the public …