Sex differences in phenotypic plasticity affect variation in sexual size dimorphism in insects: from physiology to evolution
Males and females of nearly all animals differ in their body size, a phenomenon called
sexual size dimorphism (SSD). The degree and direction of SSD vary considerably among …
sexual size dimorphism (SSD). The degree and direction of SSD vary considerably among …
Achieving high sexual size dimorphism in insects: females add instars
In arthropods, the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) may be constrained by a
physiological limit on growth within each particular larval instar. A high SSD could, however …
physiological limit on growth within each particular larval instar. A high SSD could, however …
Measuring probabilistic reaction norms for age and size at maturation
We present a new probabilistic concept of reaction norms for age and size at maturation that
is applicable when observations are carried out at discrete time intervals. This approach can …
is applicable when observations are carried out at discrete time intervals. This approach can …
Intraspecific variability in number of larval instars in insects
The number of larval instars varies widely across insect species. Although instar number is
frequently considered to be invariable within species, intraspecific variability in the number …
frequently considered to be invariable within species, intraspecific variability in the number …
Slow-growth, high-mortality–a general hypothesis, or is it?
IN Williams - Ecological Entomology, 1999 - search.ebscohost.com
Examines evidence for the slow-growth, high-mortality hypothesis explaining plants'
herbivory defense traits by assessing previously published literature where the level of …
herbivory defense traits by assessing previously published literature where the level of …
Phenological variation as protection against defoliating insects: the case of Quercus robur and Operophtera brumata
OP Tikkanen, R Julkunen-Tiitto - Oecologia, 2003 - Springer
Phenological synchrony between budburst and emergence of larvae is critical for the fitness
of many spring-feeding insect herbivores. Therefore, large intraspecific variation in timing of …
of many spring-feeding insect herbivores. Therefore, large intraspecific variation in timing of …
Causes of cyclicity of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): grandiose theory and tedious practice
K Ruohomäki, M Tanhuanpää, MP Ayres… - Population …, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
Creating multiyear cycles in population density demands, in traditional models, causal
factors that operate on local populations in a density‐dependent way with time lags …
factors that operate on local populations in a density‐dependent way with time lags …
No evidence for costs of being large in females of Orgyia spp. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae): larger is always better
Strong correlation between female body size and potential fecundity is often observed in
insects. Directional selection favouring increased body sizes is thus predicted in the …
insects. Directional selection favouring increased body sizes is thus predicted in the …
Quantifying predation on folivorous insect larvae: the perspective of life-history evolution
Assumptions about mortality rates form a cornerstone for models of life-history evolution.
When seeking adaptive explanations for body sizes, the size dependence of predation risk …
When seeking adaptive explanations for body sizes, the size dependence of predation risk …
Size‐dependent predation risk in tree‐feeding insects with different colouration strategies: A field experiment
Body size is positively correlated with fecundity in various animals, but the factors that
counterbalance the resulting selection pressure towards large size are difficult to establish …
counterbalance the resulting selection pressure towards large size are difficult to establish …