[HTML][HTML] Transient accumulation of elastic energy in proton translocating ATP synthase
ATP synthase is conceived as a rotatory engine with two reversible drives, the proton-
transporting membrane portion, F0, and the catalytic peripheral portion, F1. They are …
transporting membrane portion, F0, and the catalytic peripheral portion, F1. They are …
[HTML][HTML] The structure of the H+-ATP synthase from chloroplasts and its subcomplexes as revealed by electron microscopy
The electron microscopic data available on CF0F1 and its subcomplexes, CF0, CF1, subunit
III complex are collected and the CF1 data are compared with the high resolution structure of …
III complex are collected and the CF1 data are compared with the high resolution structure of …
F0F1-ATPase/synthase is geared to the synthesis mode by conformational rearrangement of ϵ subunit in response to proton motive force and ADP/ATP balance
The ϵ subunit in F 0 F 1-ATPase/synthase undergoes drastic conformational rearrangement,
which involves the transition of two C-terminal helices between a hairpin" down"-state and …
which involves the transition of two C-terminal helices between a hairpin" down"-state and …
Direct observation of the rotation of ε subunit in F1-ATPase
Rotation of the ε subunit in F 1-ATPase from thermophilic Bacillusstrain PS3 (TF 1) was
observed under a fluorescence microscope by the method used for observation of the γ …
observed under a fluorescence microscope by the method used for observation of the γ …
[HTML][HTML] F-ATPase: specific observation of the rotating c subunit oligomer of EFoEF1
The rotary motion in response to ATP hydrolysis of the ring of c subunits of the membrane
portion, Fo, of ATP synthase, FoF1, is still under contention. It was studied with EFoEF1 …
portion, Fo, of ATP synthase, FoF1, is still under contention. It was studied with EFoEF1 …
ATP synthase and other motor proteins
Proteins, the working machines of the cell, operate as enzymes to catalyze chemical
synthesis, as ion pumps to generate electrical voltage, and as motors to generate …
synthesis, as ion pumps to generate electrical voltage, and as motors to generate …
Coupling of proton flow and rotation in the F 0 motor of ATP synthase was investigated using
the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 enzyme expressed functionally in Escherichia coli cells …
the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 enzyme expressed functionally in Escherichia coli cells …
Direct indication for the existence of a double stalk in CF0F1
The H+-ATPase from chloroplasts (CF0F1) was investigated by electron microscopy of
negatively stained single molecules followed by image processing. The analysis of about …
negatively stained single molecules followed by image processing. The analysis of about …
Direct visualisation of conformational changes in EF0F1 by electron microscopy
The isolated H+-ATPase from Escherichia coli (EF0F1) was investigated by electron
microscopy of samples of negatively stained monodisperse molecules, followed by single …
microscopy of samples of negatively stained monodisperse molecules, followed by single …
[HTML][HTML] Epistatic interactions of deletion mutants in the genes encoding the F1‐ATPase in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The F 1‐ATPase is a multimeric enzyme (α 3 β 3 γδϵ) primarily responsible for the synthesis
of ATP under aerobic conditions. The entire coding region of each of the genes was deleted …
of ATP under aerobic conditions. The entire coding region of each of the genes was deleted …