[HTML][HTML] Holistic computational design within additive manufacturing through topology optimization combined with multiphysics multi-scale materials and process …
Additive manufacturing (AM) processes have proven to be a perfect match for topology
optimization (TO), as they are able to realize sophisticated geometries in a unique layer-by …
optimization (TO), as they are able to realize sophisticated geometries in a unique layer-by …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanistic models for additive manufacturing of metallic components
Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is gaining wide acceptance in
diverse industries for the manufacturing of metallic components. The microstructure and …
diverse industries for the manufacturing of metallic components. The microstructure and …
Simulation of melt pool behaviour during additive manufacturing: Underlying physics and progress
Reliable computational models of metal additive manufacturing will assist in optimising part
quality, and are likely to play a role in component qualification. A key component of these …
quality, and are likely to play a role in component qualification. A key component of these …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of the laser beam intensity profile in laser-based directed energy deposition: A high-fidelity thermal-fluid modeling approach
Modeling the thermal and fluid flow fields in laser-based directed energy deposition (DED-
LB) is crucial for understanding process behavior and ensuring part quality. However …
LB) is crucial for understanding process behavior and ensuring part quality. However …
[HTML][HTML] Advances in the modeling of laser direct metal deposition
AJ Pinkerton - Journal of laser applications, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
This paper provides a review of the current state of the art in modeling of laser direct metal
deposition and cladding processes and identifies recent advances and trends in this field …
deposition and cladding processes and identifies recent advances and trends in this field …
Modeling of the laser powder–based directed energy deposition process for additive manufacturing: a review
X Guan, YF Zhao - The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing …, 2020 - Springer
Laser powder–based directed energy deposition (DED) is a specific additive manufacturing
process that offers an effective way to fabricate parts via simultaneous delivery of powders …
process that offers an effective way to fabricate parts via simultaneous delivery of powders …
Numerical modeling of coaxial powder stream in laser-powder-based Directed Energy Deposition process
X Guan, YF Zhao - Additive Manufacturing, 2020 - Elsevier
Laser-powder-based directed energy deposition (DED) process has been used extensively
and becomes more and more popular in part manufacturing, repairing and prototype …
and becomes more and more popular in part manufacturing, repairing and prototype …
An overview of the process mechanisms in the laser powder directed energy deposition
Laser Powder Directed Energy Deposition (LP-DED) is a very powerful Additive
Manufacturing process for different applications, such as repair operations and the …
Manufacturing process for different applications, such as repair operations and the …
Solidification and microstructure evolution in additively manufactured H13 steel via directed energy deposition: Integrated experimental and computational approach
The current work investigated additive manufacturing of H13 steel via laser aided directed
energy deposition (L-DED) technique. The laser power was kept constant at 350 W …
energy deposition (L-DED) technique. The laser power was kept constant at 350 W …
Thermal behavior and fluid dynamics within molten pool during laser inside additive manufacturing of 316L stainless steel coating on inner surface of steel tube
X Shi, D Gu, Y Li, D Dai, Q Ge, Y Sun, H Chen - Optics & Laser Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
In this study, a transient mesoscale model of the laser inside additive manufacturing (LIAM)
has been proposed by the finite volume method (FVM) to investigate the evolution of molten …
has been proposed by the finite volume method (FVM) to investigate the evolution of molten …