[HTML][HTML] Disturbance map** in Arctic tundra improved by a planning workflow for drone studies: Advancing tools for future ecosystem monitoring

I Eischeid, EM Soininen, JJ Assmann, RA Ims… - Remote Sensing, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
The Arctic is under great pressure due to climate change. Drones are increasingly used as a
tool in ecology and may be especially valuable in rapidly changing and remote landscapes …

Estimated biomass loss caused by the Vaia windthrow in Northern Italy: Evaluation of active and passive remote sensing options

G Vaglio Laurin, N Puletti, C Tattoni, C Ferrara… - Remote Sensing, 2021‏ - mdpi.com
Windstorms are a major disturbance factor for European forests. The 2018 Vaia storm, felled
large volumes of timber in Italy causing serious ecological and financial losses. Remote …

Variation in albedo and other vegetation characteristics in non-forested northern ecosystems: the role of lichens and mosses

EA Finne, JW Bjerke, R Erlandsson… - Environmental …, 2023‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Vegetation has a profound impact on climate through complex interactions and feedback
loops, where especially regulation of albedo, the ratio of reflected to incoming solar …

Fat storage influences fasting endurance more than body size in an ungulate

LM Trondrud, G Pigeon, E Król, S Albon… - Functional …, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
The fasting endurance hypothesis (FEH) predicts strong selection for large body size in
mammals living in environments where food supply is interrupted over prolonged periods of …

Experimentally testing the effect of increased temperature on senescence rate of three plant species utilized by the Svalbard reindeer

C Iveland - 2023‏ - nmbu.brage.unit.no
The Arctic is experiencing the most rapid climate warming on earth. While the climate
induced changes in spring have received a lot of attention, similar studies for the effects in …

Morphometrics highlights subspecies differentiation of continental (Rangifer t. tarandus) and insular (Rangifer t. platyrhynchus) Norwegian reindeer

F Yu, O Bignon-Lau, ÅØ Pedersen, O Strand, V Veiberg… - Mammalia, 2024‏ - degruyter.com
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is an emblematic species with several recognized subspecies.
Two reindeer subspecies are present in Norway: the wild and semi-domestic European …

Nutritious and delicious? A non-invasive study of food plant choices by Svalbard reindeer in Summer and late Autumn

O Eikeland - 2023‏ - munin.uit.no
Seasonality affects growing patterns of vegetation and habitat use by herbivores. Short
growing seasons make plants grow quickly through phenological stages which alters their …

Parasitic infection risk for the Svalbard Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) in relation to temperature, host density, and grazing behaviors

KK Tahmin - 2023‏ - nmbu.brage.unit.no
Climate change has the potential to disrupt phenological synchronization between parasitic
nematodes and their hosts, which may have implications for host regulation. Understanding …

Mercury Levels in Svalbard Reindeer Tissue and Faeces in Relation to Diet and Season

BM Pollestad - 2023‏ - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous toxic element found in the Arctic environment and biota, despite
limited emission sources. Hg is transported to remote areas through long-range atmospheric …

Effect of simulated disturbance by geese on soil temperature and active layer thickness over one growing season

HS Holm - 2022‏ - munin.uit.no
The Arctic is an area predicted to be strongly affected by climate change, and the extent of
permafrost is expected to decrease. The insulating capacity of bryophytes is central in …