[HTML][HTML] Disturbance map** in Arctic tundra improved by a planning workflow for drone studies: Advancing tools for future ecosystem monitoring
The Arctic is under great pressure due to climate change. Drones are increasingly used as a
tool in ecology and may be especially valuable in rapidly changing and remote landscapes …
tool in ecology and may be especially valuable in rapidly changing and remote landscapes …
Estimated biomass loss caused by the Vaia windthrow in Northern Italy: Evaluation of active and passive remote sensing options
Windstorms are a major disturbance factor for European forests. The 2018 Vaia storm, felled
large volumes of timber in Italy causing serious ecological and financial losses. Remote …
large volumes of timber in Italy causing serious ecological and financial losses. Remote …
Variation in albedo and other vegetation characteristics in non-forested northern ecosystems: the role of lichens and mosses
Vegetation has a profound impact on climate through complex interactions and feedback
loops, where especially regulation of albedo, the ratio of reflected to incoming solar …
loops, where especially regulation of albedo, the ratio of reflected to incoming solar …
Fat storage influences fasting endurance more than body size in an ungulate
The fasting endurance hypothesis (FEH) predicts strong selection for large body size in
mammals living in environments where food supply is interrupted over prolonged periods of …
mammals living in environments where food supply is interrupted over prolonged periods of …
Experimentally testing the effect of increased temperature on senescence rate of three plant species utilized by the Svalbard reindeer
C Iveland - 2023 - nmbu.brage.unit.no
The Arctic is experiencing the most rapid climate warming on earth. While the climate
induced changes in spring have received a lot of attention, similar studies for the effects in …
induced changes in spring have received a lot of attention, similar studies for the effects in …
Morphometrics highlights subspecies differentiation of continental (Rangifer t. tarandus) and insular (Rangifer t. platyrhynchus) Norwegian reindeer
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is an emblematic species with several recognized subspecies.
Two reindeer subspecies are present in Norway: the wild and semi-domestic European …
Two reindeer subspecies are present in Norway: the wild and semi-domestic European …
Nutritious and delicious? A non-invasive study of food plant choices by Svalbard reindeer in Summer and late Autumn
O Eikeland - 2023 - munin.uit.no
Seasonality affects growing patterns of vegetation and habitat use by herbivores. Short
growing seasons make plants grow quickly through phenological stages which alters their …
growing seasons make plants grow quickly through phenological stages which alters their …
Parasitic infection risk for the Svalbard Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) in relation to temperature, host density, and grazing behaviors
KK Tahmin - 2023 - nmbu.brage.unit.no
Climate change has the potential to disrupt phenological synchronization between parasitic
nematodes and their hosts, which may have implications for host regulation. Understanding …
nematodes and their hosts, which may have implications for host regulation. Understanding …
Mercury Levels in Svalbard Reindeer Tissue and Faeces in Relation to Diet and Season
BM Pollestad - 2023 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Mercury (Hg) is a ubiquitous toxic element found in the Arctic environment and biota, despite
limited emission sources. Hg is transported to remote areas through long-range atmospheric …
limited emission sources. Hg is transported to remote areas through long-range atmospheric …
Effect of simulated disturbance by geese on soil temperature and active layer thickness over one growing season
HS Holm - 2022 - munin.uit.no
The Arctic is an area predicted to be strongly affected by climate change, and the extent of
permafrost is expected to decrease. The insulating capacity of bryophytes is central in …
permafrost is expected to decrease. The insulating capacity of bryophytes is central in …